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dried Chipotles...

Ok, you'll all love this one...

I was at the show on the weekend and I gave a fellow a sample of our chipotle sauce. I tell him that the peppers the Peppermaster smoked to make the sauce are poblanos, he asks why we don't use "chipotles", I tell him that "chipotle" means "smoked" he tells me that he lived somewhere (Mexico? South America? I don't remember where) where he bought fresh "chipotle" peppers and that they weren't smoked. I didn't feel like arguing with him, and he left without buying anything anyway, but he left me feeling quite dumb. I hate when people do that.

Am I missing something? I've never heard of a specific breed of peppers called chipotles and the only chipotles I've ever actually heard of really were smoked.

Your comments????

You're correct Tina. The problem with idiots is they usually are in denial about their own idiocy, and usually try to overcompensate by trying to act like they are in the know. :lol:

Hopefully your undeserved ego bruise will heal soon. He'll probably get a sauce that's way beyond his tolerance and end up not being able to taste anything for a week 😉
I think in common usage chipotles are smoked jalapenos, usually red smoked jalapenos. These days it seems the term "chipotle" is put in front of a given pepper to denote "smoked"________.

maybe Willard3 will chime in here because he seems to have a better comand of Spanish and Mexican terms than most of us.

But you know, in different parts of the world they have different ways of naming things so maybe they do call a certian chile "chipotle" somewhere whether it's smoked or not. It's within the realm of possibilities.
Chipotle just means cold smoked.

In the mercados in Mexico, I have seen at least 5 different chiles used for chipotle.

It is common to use xalapas (jalapenos) and there are no fresh chiles named chipotle of which I am aware
Tina Brooks said:
Ok, you'll all love this one...

I was at the show on the weekend and I gave a fellow a sample of our chipotle sauce. I tell him that the peppers the Peppermaster smoked to make the sauce are poblanos, he asks why we don't use "chipotles", I tell him that "chipotle" means "smoked" he tells me that he lived somewhere (Mexico? South America? I don't remember where) where he bought fresh "chipotle" peppers and that they weren't smoked. I didn't feel like arguing with him, and he left without buying anything anyway, but he left me feeling quite dumb. I hate when people do that.

Am I missing something? I've never heard of a specific breed of peppers called chipotles and the only chipotles I've ever actually heard of really were smoked.

Your comments????


I agree with you, Tina. I don't think there is a chipotle pepper as a varietal.

I think it refers to any smoked pepper, but I may be wrong. I call the habaneros I smoke (on the smoker, wiseguys) chipotles. But what do I know.
Sometimes words take on new meanings, like salsa just means sauce, but because that particular sauce (picante salsa) was so popular with Americans, salsa is, well you know, that stuff you dip chips in. So, what I'm saying is, to some, maybe chipotle is a pepper. :party:
ahh with the mad "chipotle" craze going across the US it wouldnt surprise me that someone was selling ___ as fresh chipotle

I have a chiptle bridge for sale in brooklyn
also some ocean front property in Az that grows wild chipotle plants

Thanks for my renewal of faith. I just shook my head at this guy, but ya know, he was so sure of himself, it had me questioning what I thought I knew.

For you chipotle lovers, our smoker is going to be installed in February... Wait until you see what WE do to the word "chipotle"!!

Don't feel too bad, there's a lot of misinformation out there concerning chiles (not peppers, Signore Colombus!) I still have people SWEAR that their (or somebody's they know) tomatos and bell peppers grown near chiles have become hot. Pequins are called chiltepins and vice versa, some say they're the same. Not even top experts agree on the general taxonomy of chiles, i.e., what makes a baccatum a baccatum as opposed to an annuum, etc. That's why these forums are as important as the biologists' work on taxonomy for correcting myths and misinformation. Keep up the good work, and don't let the bustards get ya down! brookthecook
I can tell you one thing about Chipotles. If I were to die and come back as something useful, I would be a chipotle! Call me crazy but I just love the smoke flavor and all. The smokier the better to a certain extent. I don't want to eat campfires but you are picking up what i'm putting down :lol: I know there is a big craze here about all things chipotle but I don't care. Bring on the CHIPOTLES!!!
Spice it up!