Cheiro Roxa - When are they mature?

Hey folks,
As with many of the varieties I am growing this year, this is my first growing Cherio Roxa and I'm not quite sure how to tell when the pods are matured. Of the photos & descriptions I've seen they are supposed to go from a dark purple to a light beige/pink. I have three of these plants and they're all putting out a whole lot of pods at the moment.
The first of the pods to start on these plants started to grow in early June and they have yet to change color. Meanwhile, many of the new pods are already a lighter color and many seem to almost start out that way (and don't seem to be getting near as big).
Here is a photo of the very first pods that started growing (taken today):

And here is a photo of a younger pod (also taken today):

(you can see in the background some of the other newer pods)
.. With those first pods it's been nearly two months that they've been growing. I simply want to be sure that they're mature so that I have the best chance of getting mature seeds.
Thoughts/advice? :)
PexPeppers said:
that 2nd one is ALMOST there. replace the green with peach.
A whole lot of the new ones look like that, only they're much smaller than the ones in the first photo. I'm wondering if those first ones would be ready at this point since they've been growing for nearly two months now. lol
I'll have to keep watching them and see what happens. :)
for fidalga roxa (sure it's same for any roxa family) will have tinges of green on them. It will turn more of a purple and peach color like they said above when they are ripe. The purple becomes more vibrant as well. 
There's some ripe fidalga roxa on the top of this bowl for comparison. 

the colors are even more evident if you sacrifice a pod by cutting it open. If there's any green to it , it will be much more visible on the inside. 
D3monic said:
for fidalga roxa (sure it's same for any roxa family) will have tinges of green on them. It will turn more of a purple and peach color like they said above when they are ripe. The purple becomes more vibrant as well. 
There's some ripe fidalga roxa on the top of this bowl for comparison. 

the colors are even more evident if you sacrifice a pod by cutting it open. If there's any green to it , it will be much more visible on the inside. 
That's a nice little harvest D3!
Nearly a month later.. Here are the same pods and D3monic was definitely spot-on about the mature colors:

They were the first to start growing on my Cheiro Roxa plants (I have three of them) and the first to mature. :)
Now I just need to be patient and wait on the dozens more that are currently growing (with more seeming to start each day!).
Thanks again for all the advice & feedback folks :)