fertilizer cheapo "plant food" fertilizer from Aldi

During my last foray to my local Alsi (ultra low budget supermarket chain here), I found boxes of "plant food for fruit and vegetables". 

"69 cents ? SOLD !"

Now I'm a certified city slicker, but judging by the smell this "plant food" is made of pure, undilluted chicken poop, pressed into pellets.

I poured a few handfuls on top of the soil of my peps, and after a few waterings, the stuff turned into, well, crud. 

DOWNSIDE : It attracts houseflies. No bueno. 

UPSIDE : The chillies LOVE it. 

Even despite the lack of sunny weather the plants are really shooting up, and I do think the chicken poop has to do with it. 

Pics for comparison on my glog shortly.

Anyone have similar experiences with this stuff ? 
Agree - good stuff! Most people I know mix it in with the soil rather than just setting it on top. Not sure if that makes a difference with houseflies, but I can see where it might.