greenhouse Cheap Personal Greenhouse - do I need one

So, I am trying to figure out what I need to do in order to manage the amount of plants I am growing through their differing stages of life.  I currently have a 3 shelf and a 4 shelf unit that I use for germinating and then growing the seedlings under t5 lights.  The plants have about a foot of space to grow before they are growing into the lights.  This year, I grew too many plants so adjusting the shelves is not an option to create more space.  I really do not have a place to put the plants where I can let them grow taller than a foot as well as possibly potting them up to a larger pot.  So I am trying to come up with some ideas.
My only idea thus far is potentially branching out to an outside greenhouse, although I want to make sure that I completely understand why a greenhouse is beneficial.   Please excuse my ignorance of some basic gardening knowledge.  I am assuming the greenhouse will be outdoors and will trap heat during the day so that if the day is somewhat cold, the plants will remain somewhat warm due to trapped heat.  I am not sure what happens during the evening...  I do not know if I require electricity so that I can put a fan in there...  So, my plot of land I live on is no way near big enough to build a good size one like so many of you have.  I was checking for cheap-o versions on Amazon.  I found this one.

I think of this as temporary space that I can let my plants grow larger and harden off somewhat.   Will something like this work for what I would like it to do?
Any thoughts/comments/flames are welcome.
You're right about the air inside getting warmer during the day. The other day it was sunny outside, a nice 12C degrees. On my conservatory (mostly glass) it was a baking 27C degrees. 
Night time, you're not going to see that much of a temperature difference unless you heat it somehow. I think I can get a degree or two (Celcius) warmer, in my conservatory or greenhouse, but nothing to brag about. 
The other benefit is probably more light, at least for me who doesn't have artificial lighting but relies on the sun through the window method. I get more light in a greenhouse since it catches the sun from more angles. 
Sorry if I didn't offer you that much info, I'm still learning myself.
What kind of property are you dealing with? Can you just build one yourself? Lumber and Craigslist windows/patio doors?
i understand your more immediate need though. Best of Luck.
Malarky said:
What kind of property are you dealing with? Can you just build one yourself? Lumber and Craigslist windows/patio doors?
i understand your more immediate need though. Best of Luck.
I have a small yard.  No farm land available.  Plus, I would probably need some kind of skills with a saw...
romy6 said:
 My buddy bought one like that and the first little storm destroyed it . They are what they are cheap . I say save up for a good one . 
Ha!  I was not thinking about weather at all and the more I look at it, the cheaper it looks! 
bpiela said:
I have a small yard.  No farm land available.  Plus, I would probably need some kind of skills with a saw...
Where do you plan to put the plants this summer?
You could bribe a friend for the skills / power tools.  I come across a lot of free food and beverage helping with odd jobs in the summer.
I'd frame in the footprint like Malarky suggested.  Amazon says that has a 6' diameter.  If you frame in a 6' square, fence the perimeter and then cover with greenhouse plastic, you could make a really cool convertible greenhouse / garden.  I may have considered trying this.   :whistle:   