shopping cheap containers/shopping bags

I've seen the Walmart bags being used as pots or planters for the peppers and after going to every nursery and hydroponic store checking out prices I decided to see the size of them compared to a 5 gallon pot so i bought a few 5 gallon pots and found all the grocery bags i could find​

 5 gallon thin walled pots
A few shopping bags around here​
top (super store, pricesmart)​
bottom (collision place, T&T, Walmart{maybe pricesmart rubbed off}, Canadian tire)​
Now This is a Picture with the bags and a 5 Gallon pot inside them​
Finally the one i found the biggest Canadian Tire
I dunno the exact size could be 7.5 gallon or maybe 10 gallon​
So im going to go and get me a bunch of the Canadian Tire bags for $1 and use them should be plenty of space.​
Yup...they're getting good reviews so far. The bonus is the roots will get more oxygen, air prune and you'll get a more dense root ball. DocNrock did a comparison by filling a 5# and then pouring it into the bag...I think your largest bag will be close to a 10# nursery container, that plus the air pruning will mean much bigger/happier plants! Good luck, post up your results!
I have a yellow brain strain on my balcony in a reusable bag from a book store.(RIP book stores) I'll keep everyone updated on how it goes.
Has anyone that has used these noticed any reason that one bag would be better than another? Other than size I mean? I just think this is a great idea and may have to go buy a few tomorrow to try it myself.
There is a huge list somewhere (I will see if I can find it) that labels bags based on manufacturer and the toxins they contain. Some bags are very bad to handle let alone grow in but some are all corn based. Be careful of some of these.
If you find the list please post it or a link to it here as I am very interested in trying these. Thank you for the effort either way.
millworkman said:
There is a huge list somewhere (I will see if I can find it) that labels bags based on manufacturer and the toxins they contain. Some bags are very bad to handle let alone grow in but some are all corn based. Be careful of some of these.
Get to posting said list please!
Im going to use the canadian tire bags and they are made from polypropyleneenvironmentally-friendly poly-fabric
says 100% recyclable materials and made with 50% recycled materials
anyone know if they are bad for plants?
edit: i havent found any sites or results of lead being in any of the canadian reusable bags yet, canadian tire has no reports either
second edit: sears shopping bags had lead
The WalMart bags look really good if I am reading that right. Will pick some up today. Thank you for finding that list, very informative. 
P.S. Anyone know how much they charge for them? For some reason I was thinking a buck but maybe I am wrong, if so I will have to wait to get a few. Thanks again.
Great thread guys. I use 2 1/2 gallon buckets from Dollar Tree that cost $1 each. I like the idea of larger grow bags and definitely will try them next season. Thanks for posting the safety list Millwork.
After reading this i am going to have to give this a shot next season, looks like might be good for something after all lol
Balduvian said:
with shipping, plus trying to find one to ship to canada, i think it will cost me 5x or more to get same size bags as the shopping ones
if i lived in the states i would probably go for some legit ones like that
You can make them for cheap as well. Armac posted this recently and it's a great way to make them if you don't mind gluing them or sewing them.
This is a cannabis growing site so if you are at work you may want to wait till you get home. ;)
I think I may do this for my peppers this year.
Looking at the list, I find it ironic that McDonalds has one of the lowest levels of lead and Cadmium.
We have Krogers locally, their black bags look better than the Walmart blue. I'll probably pick up a few and try them.
Proud Marine Dad said:
You can make them for cheap as well. Armac posted this recently and it's a great way to make them if you don't mind gluing them or sewing them.
This is a cannabis growing site so if you are at work you may want to wait till you get home. ;)
I think I may do this for my peppers this year.
i like this idea, maybe next year ill look into making them myself but for now i can get 10 gallons out of a dollar canadian tire bag so im gunna go with that lol