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color changing color

Does anyone every make a sauce they like but they just don't like the color? If so do you add something to change the color only that doesn't affect the taste? I wish my habanero sauce wasn't so orange and had more deep red tones. Maybe I am overthinking this and should leave the natural color alone...........
MikeUSMC said:
Buy a can of beets. Open it. Take out some juice ;)
Oh ok! Gotcha! I thought maybe there was beet juice either for drinking or cooking. I didn't know lol. If you put the juice in a sealed container and put in the fridge, How long can it last before it goes bad? I mean to use for future batches.

A can of beets will be beet colored water and salt not beet juice. You can literally buy a beet and use or yes you can buy the juice as well, and yes, natural food coloring as well.
Look online. Red is usually beet juice but it is concentrated so you just need a couple drops.
Or, go to health food store, buy a 16oz bottle of pure beet juice, at home boil it down to a concentrate/syrup for coloring (PS. it usually has 1% lemon as preservative which should not be of issue).
Edmick said:
I'm kind of on the side of leaving the color the way it is. I really like the color of oranges, greens and yellows. As hot pepper mentioned, there are already so many red sauces out there (for obvious reasons).
Thats a good point. I think people expect a hot sauce to be ready in color. I know I always have but thats because you see more red sauces in anything else.
Not to mention that people with "discerning taste" might question why an orange hab sauce is red. That's assuming that you you would ever try to market it though. If it's just for home use and giving out to your buddies, then do whatever you want with it :cheers:
I suppose it has a lot to do with what shade of red you're looking for.
Beet juice will give you a deep red color.
Red food coloring will give orange a reddish-brown tint.
I've seen some very bright colors in the stores over the last couple of years around Easter time but never had the nerve to try them.
Good luck on whatever you try.....lets see some before and after pics