• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CCErnst's 2013 attempt

Last year was a bad year for the garden. The heat almost took out the peppers and was a problem elsewhere.

2013 will be better. So far, I've already gotten my seeds started as of 2/2/13 and already have a seed coming out of the shell, a Casper Ghost pepper. Not the white Ghost...but a mutated Ghost Pepper that has little to no heat...so he's a friendly ghost. ;)

I'm keeping track of my notes here:
First time trying to do an online spreadsheet, but I think it will really work well.

So far I have:
Early Jalapeno
Pimento, De La Vera
Aji Limon
Ho Chi Minh
Breese Belle
Bannana Pepper
Toluca Red

i've yet to start Santaka or other garden veggies.

i have planned to get a good amount of cow manure and mix into my beds...it has been a while since I've fertilized. Good thing mom & dad live across the road from two dairy farms.
Hey CC welcome aboard!! I grew banana peppers last year and harvested a ton throughout the season. I have some Early J's as well and 9 days since I started to germinate the seed I have 8 of 12 seeds popped up. I hope your season goes well and will have to check in on your updates. Have a fiery hot season!!
This looks like another glog worth following.........good luck with the startup and the plant out
Made some great improvements to the spreadsheet. I have three sprouts coming out of the dirt...several moved to jiffy pellets.

A little concerned that some transplants don't seem to be sprouting out of the dirt.
had to re-start a few batches.
How deep are you planting the germed seeds cc? 1/4 inch is all I go with. Hope you figure out why they're not coming up!
just under the soil. Once the root/sprout comes out of the husk, I plant it vertical to make it easier to come out of the soil...just barely under the soil...it doesn't take much. I'll take a few pics of how I'm doing it.