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Canadian Earthquake

Anyone else feel that? Canada doesn't get earthquakes, what's going on? It was a 5.0 at the Quebec/Ontario border and felt all through Ontario / Northern US. Wondering if any New York / Pennsylvania / Ohio / Michican people felt it too. Ottawa area guys like Potawie would have been really close so I'm sure his plants were shaking
Anyone else feel that? Canada doesn't get earthquakes, what's going on? It was a 5.0 at the Quebec/Ontario border and felt all through Ontario / Northern US. Wondering if any New York / Pennsylvania / Ohio / Michican people felt it too. Ottawa area guys like Potawie would have been really close so I'm sure his plants were shaking

I talked to Potawie after it happened. He thought it was road blasting that was going on. He made it through ok, from what I know. Hope everyone else did as well.
that's strange, there was a tornado in Billings Montana, we never get tornado's. Strange stuff, end of days scenarios. The sink hole was the scariest. a 5.0 is huge!
Earthquake and tornado hit Ontario the same day, what's going on :(
I think the shaking from the earthquake may have helped pollinate some of my plants :)
I felt the tremors here, and around supper time we had a tornado touch down about 45 minutes from here in a little town called Midland......lots of damage!
My wife came in yesterday asking me if I felt the tremor, which I didn't. We're in upstate NY. Epicenter was 30 mi north of Ottawa.