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health Can this pepper plant be saved?

i just toke in my chilies from outside as its getting very cold. i couldn't take it inn before now as ive been traveling so its been outside in the greenhouse. The other 3 chilies have green/light green leafes so i believe they managed the cold better. but this plant on the pictures, will it survive? all the leaves was dead so i removed them and now im left with branches, there is 1 small branch that are green.

it reaches about 5-10C in the night and around 12-14 on daytime in green house. but now its inside where it will be 20C all the time

And will the fruit on it ripe or should i remove it to help plant build leaves?



I have "cut back" the deadwood and plant comes back to life!

So this the plant after overwintering. - See the brown stems?


See the green stems after browns trimmed off?


A little sunshine with water and then VOILA!





I'm a bit confused on how i would do that on my plant since its a bit taller then the one on your pictures, should i just cut away all the branches on the top of the plant? it will be grown indoors now until may or so, so artificial sun it will get until summer is back