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fermenting Can someone point to a Making Mash 101 thread?

Hello, and forgive my newbie question. I'm thinking of making a pepper mash, but I need some very basic information. Is there a particle thread or post that can provide the very basic concept?

Basic Mash Technique

I personally advise to forget Mash but here goes. Do not blame me.

put peppers into container add salt and mash everything up. Come back a couple of months later and either eat it if it is good or throw it out if it went bad. Be prepared to throw it out often.

The best way is

add peppers to pot. add vinegar and spices. cook mash and bottle up. this is always good. never have to throw it out. easy and fast.

Some people around here claim the mash hot sauce will taste better. But they only use a few drops on the food and if the food is good tasting it does not matter if the hot sauce is made the good old fast vinegar way. If we drank hot sauce like beer then the flavor of the hot sauce would be more important.

I am not saying that mash tastes better or not. Other people claim it. Common sense says it does not matter. Personally I like the flavor of vinegar. I got used to it decades ago. it tastes good. so what is the fuss. 99% of commercial hot sauce uses the vinegar method BECAUSE that is the way to go.

Just my opinion. Others around here take the opposite view and I support them in their view while also supporting my view. You have to decide for yourself.

One big thing is that all that salt is real bad for your health. The vinegar hot sauce never requires any salt at all although most recipes add salt because the people just follow the recipe instead of thinking and not using the salt.

I make all my hot sauce for decades with NO SALT. I never use salt in any cooking in my house. I do not own a salt shaker.

And I still suffer from eating too much salt! It is just impossible to get away from. Our society is salted over. It is really bad.

Unfortunately salt is necessary for mash. So just don't mash. simple problem simple solution.
Hello, and forgive my newbie question. I'm thinking of making a pepper mash, but I need some very basic information. Is there a particle thread or post that can provide the very basic concept?


Here are several sites that you might find interesting and informative. They include the basics of the fermentation process, along with some recipes.I hope they help you out.

Fermenting pickles and peppers

Steps to fermenting peppers

Several good recipes and instructions

Get Cultured (Nourished Kitchen free e-book)

Habanero Mash: Bob Hurt