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Bury the stem?


Staff Member
So some of you may have seen my previous post about my desmodium gyrans plant. So my problem here is that when the plants were smaller they got alot of their leaves burnt by my choice of lighting. I have since moved them to an LED grow light and they are doing great. Problem is that all their old burnt leaves are going to drop and I'm going to be left with lots of healthy growth on top and naked stems. I have read online that cuttings from this plant can easily be rooted so does that mean that its also safe to bury the stem when I transplant? I found no info online regarding it. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks!
Lots of people wind up with lots on top and not so much on bottom because their lights do not penetrate the canopy.  Different cause but thinking same results.  Have read many a person say they just plant deeper and bury the naked parts.  When I have plants like that, I take a scalpel / razor blade to the nodes I am going to bury then coat with something like root tone / clone jell.  Sometimes I do the same when going from plug trays to pots.  Works great.

After watching how blackberry will bend over, touch the ground, and start rooting: did an experiment.  Stripped top branches, put growth hormone / rooting compound on the nodes, and planted the top.  Not sure what it is useful for, but it worked fine.  Later, I cut it in half and had two pepper plants.
AJ Drew said:
Lots of people wind up with lots on top and not so much on bottom because their lights do not penetrate the canopy.  Different cause but thinking same results.  Have read many a person say they just plant deeper and bury the naked parts.  When I have plants like that, I take a scalpel / razor blade to the nodes I am going to bury then coat with something like root tone / clone jell.  Sometimes I do the same when going from plug trays to pots.  Works great.

After watching how blackberry will bend over, touch the ground, and start rooting: did an experiment.  Stripped top branches, put growth hormone / rooting compound on the nodes, and planted the top.  Not sure what it is useful for, but it worked fine.  Later, I cut it in half and had two pepper plants.
I think I might give it a try. I've been doing it for years with peppers, tomatoes and other plants but I couldn't find any info on doing it with the desmodium gyrans. But I have read about people rooting cuttings pretty easily so that leads me to believe that burying the stem would be fine. I have rooting compound so i'll probably use that.
My guess is the rooting compound also holds off rot.  Blackberry, which do it on their own, have really thick skin, bark like in areas.  Give the bending over and rooting the top thing a try.  It is a hoot when friends see it.
I ended up scoring the stem with a blade and covering it with hormex rooting powder. Hopefully it works.