Building my tolerance. A journey!

Ok so a litle short background.
I always like spicy food, but normal people spicy. Medium/Hot buffalo wings, a little splash of Tabasco Sauce lol. Now I got some bhuts and thai chilis to grow and I decided to build up my tolerance. I also got some Red Savina and Scotch Bonnett seeds I am germinating, and I am lookingto grow more Hots/Super Hots.

I was trying little splashes of Tabasco to build up my tolerance but then I tried nibling on two jalapenos over a couple hours each. Didn't really like them at all. Didn't like the sting rather than the dry heat, and I didn't like the plant-like taste.

Keep in mind, I have acid reflux so I have to be careful with what I eat, and whether or not chilis are bad OR even possibly good for it, even if they don't cause it, a bout with acid reflux while chili is in my stomach will no doubt burn more so I am taking it slow at first to see how it affects me. I don't want any damage or severe unneeded pain.

I bought a habenero (orange) and chopped up one placenta-less half into tiny tiny tiny bits and nibled a few. I got A nice dry building burn and got warm all over. Today I tried two bigger pieces. This was the bigger of the two.

I plan on adding some more hab to my food later today.
:clap: Grats on your new journey! I started as you did, although I don't have the distinct displeasure of having to deal with reflux. That said, for that building, rolling burn, I suggest trying some 7pot pods. All that I've tried have nice, complex flavors and a fantastic burn that builds over time. The Bhuts will give you a similar burn, but I find the 7pot flavor more appealing. Best of luck in your journey, and keep some dairy on hand if things get out of hand.
My favorite way to eat Jalapeños is roasted. Try putting them under the broiler, or better yet, on the grill until the skins start turning balck. Keep turning them until they are toasted nicely all the way around. You can put them in a paper bag for about 10 minutes and then peel the skins off, or just eat them. Peños this way will help build your tolerance, and taste good at the same time. I like roasted peños, next to a juicy steak, with a baked or mashed potato. Mmmmmmmmm i will easily eat 2-3 this way in one sitting, seeds and all. You can work your way up from there. Toast about a dozen at once, then you'll have them on hand for every meal. Red Savina is one of my most favorite peppers. I don't eat them raw tho. Dried and powdered, sprinkle on anything!
Just my 2¢....
I can't wait for my red savina and scotch bonnetts to be harversted so I can make some powers out of them. Also my thai chilis and bhuts..

Update: I just ate a slightly bigger piece closer to the placenta and it had a little piece that I think was placenta so I bit that off and it burned. Not much flavor. THen i ate the rest of that pieceand it was kinda juicy and hot. Was much hotter than the one I took a picture of and I am assuming its gonna get hotter if I get closer. I grabbed the gallon of milk and a cup but in a couple seconds I put it back before even pouring it lol So im happy :P

I ran around a bit though and the burn was awesome! Most intense I've had yet.
My favorite way to eat Jalapeños is roasted. Try putting them under the broiler, or better yet, on the grill until the skins start turning balck. Keep turning them until they are toasted nicely all the way around. You can put them in a paper bag for about 10 minutes and then peel the skins off, or just eat them. Peños this way will help build your tolerance, and taste good at the same time. I like roasted peños, next to a juicy steak, with a baked or mashed potato. Mmmmmmmmm i will easily eat 2-3 this way in one sitting, seeds and all. You can work your way up from there. Toast about a dozen at once, then you'll have them on hand for every meal. Red Savina is one of my most favorite peppers. I don't eat them raw tho. Dried and powdered, sprinkle on anything!
Just my 2¢....

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I too have acid reflux. Sucks something terrible, but just about anything gives me heartburn. I remember to take my pills (omeprazole) and I'm usually fine. Good luck on your tolerance journey.
I'll have to try that with my remaining Jals.. Raw and green, they are way to vegetably for me.

I too have acid reflux. Sucks something terrible, but just about anything gives me heartburn. I remember to take my pills (omeprazole) and I'm usually fine. Good luck on your tolerance journey.

I find that miine comes and goes. It is also very dependant on WHEN i eat stuff sometimes evenmore than WHAT I eat. I eat sacue all the time, esp recently and ive been fine, but if i eat a bowl at night i wouldnt doubt having a bout wiht A.R. the next morning. If i do eat somethign i know will be a trigger i pop in a pepcid usually to go with it.
I HAD acid reflux for about 6 years. By about this time last year I was taking about 300+ mg of Rantadine per day to combat it.

Then, about 1 year ago I went on what I call the "habanero diet" - that consisted of me eating 1 habanero (or its equivalent in heat level through sauce etc) with every meal. I did it sort of as an experiment after reading about some mouse trials that showed capsaicin to have healing effects on the stomach lining of mice.

Well within a few months I was easily able to cut down my meds by 1/2 without any added discomfort. Today, I only take the meds occasionally (if I am going to be doing some heavy drinking, or if a particular meal really fires me up). I almost never have stomach or reflux issues anymore, and I truly think eating MORE spicy food is what is curing me. And my guess is eating more peppers will help you too.

After years of doctors etc telling me that spicy foods were something I needed to cut down on to alleviate my stomach issues, I feel like I have completely debunked that theory. Spicy foods hurt when you eat them, for a few minutes until the effect from the capsaicinoids wear off. I think lots of people wrongly complain and associate this temporary pain as a symptom of their stomach/esophogal problems. It isnt, those problems are caused by stomach acid (basically HCl) which is nothing like capsaicin. To top this off, lots of the types of foods that are commonly served spicy, are utter gutbombs, containing huge portions and lots of grease (Mexican food?), which will themselves cause production of acid in your stomach even if no capsaicinoids/peppers are present. The effect is, people wrongly think it is the spicyness itself that makes their acid reflux worse, when in fact it is not.

Anyways, sorry for the long post, but keep up with eating fresh peppers, try some hot powders and natural sauces etc to add to your foods. You will notice pretty quick that the amount of those hot additives doesnt affect your acid reflux, it is the underlying food that determines that. Try to push your heat limits. Bite off whats left of that hab into your mouth, chew thoroughly, and swallow. It will hurt like shit. But you will realize you had control over when you felt that pain yourself, it was temporary, and did no damage. Way better than continuing to cough acid into your throat.