pests Bug ID please

So I come out this morning to check for catepillars (my morning routine) and I see tiny white moth-like bugs flying under the leaves, i lift up a leaf and this is what I See. 

They are tiny tiny all-white moth like flying bugs. Anyone know what these are, good/bad?
definitely whitefly. these guys will cause a funky black mold to grow on your leaves and peppers, as well. maybe take the hose with a pressure nozzle try to spray them off without damaging the plant. i've been dealing with these bastards this year as well. 
Finally, I have the same thing and took a leaf to my Extension office and they told me mealybugs. I never accepted that answer but could never find pics to find a culprit. I tried to post pics but wouldn't work for me. Thanks USMC. We are practically neighbors so prob sharing the same whiteflies hehehe.