breeding Breeding peppers?

Hello pepper lovers,
Growing season here is just around the corner and i'm hoping for my best year in the vegetable garden this year, but still keeping a lid on things.  :shh:
I had very poor results last year but i think i know what to do better this time, i was depressed more last year too, so i was very slack, and the results showed that.
But, i am planning to do some of my first pepper breeding, i know how to do the pollination but i am still unsure how cross species breeding works?
I thought i have heard or read somewhere that some cross species work but not others, is that correct?
I don't know if 'species' is the right term or family or something?
The breeding i was thinking of was capsicum annum x capsicum chinense, is that possible?
Also, if there is a guide somewhere in the forum maybe someone can redirect me there.... or if anyone reading this knows the answers to my question, please let me know.
Thanks. :)
Dr. Weird said:
The breeding i was thinking of was capsicum annum x capsicum chinense, is that possible?
  Try this link.>  Capsicum cross matrix   Another located >here<
Thank you very much :)
Exactly what i needed.... i see annum x chinense will be partially fertile, whichever is the donor and reciever, but does partially fertile mean that there will be many dud seeds but some healthy or that certain annums vs certain chinense will be fertile but certain others completely infertile?
I suspect lots of duds but some healthy seeds is what it means but might as well get clarification.
Dr. Weird said:
Partially fertile means they will produce seeds but a lot of them will be dud seeds or it won't make many seeds?
Or don't make any seeds. I have one chili plant that made lots of berries but not any seeds. I'm hoping the biggest ones have some seeds. Also i had one unknow chinense cross from WHP too but I had some germination problem with the seeds. Long germinate time or did not even germinate. I mean all my F2 seeds germinated normally but F3 or F4 started to get worse. 
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Great call DR!
Yup! I have been doing that and I close the flower with zip pack. I also hand polinated on the 2nd day too.   After 3nd day is passed I remove the zip pack I leave it and hope it will start to make a pod :) Pass many flowers with a cotton pud and polinate ur female plant. 
I will be using Fish Pepper as sperm donor to a few different varieties, when the time comes, and will share the results.... assuming i get results, that is. :)