Bonchi - picking off the first 5-7 flowers-to-be?

Hi experts.

After harvest my chilis now live in my basement as bonchis feeding on LED and love. And they´re doing great. Most of them growing nice, new foilage and a few ones shows flowers-to-be already. My Tapas has approx 10 buds only 14 days after cutting it down to bonchi size. Now, should I pick these buds off to encourage more foilage or should I leave them on??? For info - this one only gave 2 pods living in full-size in the greenhouse.

Any comments are appreciated.



i think you should meditate on the questions and let the spirit of the plant tell you what it would like.

then continue your experiments :welcome:

welcome to the asylum

I'd pinch off all the buds, your plant will develop many more at the same time...later during growth,
Since your interested in the "bonchi" style growth I'd recommend pinching back every 2nd new leaf set, just remember when you pinch or prune you divide by 2, ending up with additional branching and leaf sets, but this method will keep your plant compact and you can shape or let the branching run and flower , at your discression...

only my opinion

Thanks guys.

A philosophical and a practical advice. Awesome :woohoo:

Thanks to nitwit for this insightful view. I´ll spend some time meditating whilst we decide on the matter...

And thanks to Greg. I´m interested in bonchi techniques, but a total rookie. I´ll go with your advice and probably nib the buds too.

Let the experiments continue.
