powder-flake Blended powders and why

I once blended some stuff and made them powders I think....
Actually I like to blend peppers for the reason you mentioned, different burns and flavors. To add additional complexity smoking the peppers can turn a not really pleasing pod into something magical. Most of my blends are created while testing the peppers fresh and taking notes of what I think could complement the other or if smoke would help in the overall equation. 
My superhot blend is created simply due to having so much of single kinds that I create a chinense blend with everything from 7 Pod reds to Reapers.
I am very big of color overall, I do not like going to my favorite pizza joint and looking at the disgusting brown pepper flakes...I die a little inside :) 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I once blended some stuff and made them powders I think....
Actually I like to blend peppers for the reason you mentioned, different burns and flavors. To add additional complexity smoking the peppers can turn a not really pleasing pod into something magical. Most of my blends are created while testing the peppers fresh and taking notes of what I think could complement the other or if smoke would help in the overall equation. 
My superhot blend is created simply due to having so much of single kinds that I create a chinense blend with everything from 7 Pod reds to Reapers.
I am very big of color overall, I do not like going to my favorite pizza joint and looking at the disgusting brown pepper flakes...I die a little inside :)
I took your advice this year and made some powder out of those thai peppers and dried several quart bags of them for future use. I didn't smoke them but the flavor is really good. That is the best use for those peppers IMHO. So I might grow a couple next year as well since my wife likes the way they look compared to the other plants.
Chocolate BBG for lunch was exceedingly delicious. I am finding that the chocolate or brown pod peppers are more to my liking*. I have red BBG and red Madd balls that I need to try next. The JPGS I tried yesterday really tore me up 12 hours post ingestion. Still may have some powdered uses but as a fresh pod use it just dont agree with me. I have some nice chocolate bhuts that were from isolated seed. I need to check those out as well.
Fatalis are the exception here. I really do not like the fatali taste. Will have to dry and powder them and see if that makes any difference or maybe cancel out the unfavorable taste with a blend.
CAPCOM said:
Chocolate BBG for lunch was exceedingly delicious. I am finding that the chocolate or brown pod peppers are more to my liking*. I have red BBG and red Madd balls that I need to try next. The JPGS I tried yesterday really tore me up 12 hours post ingestion. Still may have some powdered uses but as a fresh pod use it just dont agree with me. I have some nice chocolate bhuts that were from isolated seed. I need to check those out as well.
Fatalis are the exception here. I really do not like the fatali taste. Will have to dry and powder them and see if that makes any difference or maybe cancel out the unfavorable taste with a blend.
I wasn't impressed with dried yellow fataliis. Maybe red is better. 
D3monic said:
I wasn't impressed with dried yellow fataliis. Maybe red is better. 
I hear you. one can only try it and learn. I realize a lot has to do with individual tastes so if you have the pods, may as well try a few different things. especially since I may not grow many of these peppers again next year.
I blended some Albanian Red Hots from Judy and Alma Paprika. Why I dunno. Her Aci Kirmizi Arnavut powder is exceptional.

What are people using to grind powder? My blade coffee grinder really powders. Judy's Arnavut was more a fine beach sand grit.

Oh, and the Fatalii - I am planting Bonda Ma Jacques next year. A tad less heat to deal with.
chiltepin said:
I blended some Albanian Red Hots from Judy and Alma Paprika. Why I dunno. Her Aci Kirmizi Arnavut powder is exceptional.

What are people using to grind powder? My blade coffee grinder really powders. Judy's Arnavut was more a fine beach sand grit.

Oh, and the Fatalii - I am planting Bonda Ma Jacques next year. A tad less heat to deal with.
Bonda ma Jacques is surprisingly hot. Way hotter than I was expecting. I don't have the deserning pallet to categorize it's heat level but i'd honestly put it right up there in the mid super range. Maybe around 7pot level.  
I agree.  The Bondas were hotter than I expected, too.  My pallet is like yours, not that discerning.  I get my wife to taste the coffee and wine to make sure of the flavors.  She draws the line with peppers, however! hahaha.
I just dried everything I could find this year and every time I grind some powder out it's a different burn profile.  Sometimes it's a mellow mouth burn, and then the other day I put some in soup and couldn't breathe at work...my throat clamped right down for a few minutes.
I used Reapers, chocolate habs, primo x butch T, red Brazilian ghosts, Jonah x butch T, thai peppers, random market peppers, morugas, primos, buckeye butchlas (one of the most painful pods I've had).  It's not for the faint of heart.  I call it "Suckerpunch" after giving it to a coworker yesterday.  His head flew back and his scalp was sweating.  He's a trooper.
to throw a bit of science into the mix-
"Capsaicin" is one of many capsaicinoid compounds found in chilies.  There are over 20 different capsaicinoid compounds in most chiles.  The different capsaicinoids react differently in the mouth and body causing the mouth burn and the body endorphin rush.  Different chiles have different amounts of these different compounds, which is why some chiles will hit hard and fast in the mouth, others will hit the gut, others will have the slow creeping burn.
All these different capsaicinoids have been erroneously lumped together under the general heading of 'capsaicin' because that one capsaicinoid is the most prominent one in most chiles.  Google is your friend for more information on capsaicinoids"
AlabamaJack posted a dried chile blend that he thought was the Ultimate Blend.  it's around here somewhere, I'll look for it in the morning if someone hasn't found it by then  (hint hint  ;) )   :lol:
IIRC, it was a blend of 4 different peppers that created the ultimate burn with the hard/fast, back-o-ma-throat, SlowBurn, hit all the heat points. 
I've been playing with mixes a little bit. I have about 5 chocolates, 5 yellows, a couple of peaches, and a lot of reds, but everything I have leans towards the hottest side.
What I thought would be a nice mix is mostly yellow, maybe 20% hot red, and a little chocolate for that body. Primos and red brains have the best taste to me and are very hot. Yellow Fatalii was my best yellow. On chocolates, even though there are plenty of new ones, they still don't have the unique taste as the Douglah. So, I started with brain, fatalii, douglah. It is pretty good but the fatalii was lacking.
Even though I have not been impressed with the watery taste of the Jay's PGS, it makes a great fruity tasting powder, which is good on fish, and in a fruit based sauce. I changed out the fatalii with the Jay's peach, and put primo in for the brain, and I really love the mix on multiple dishes. Tom
I'm a novice at this, but made a blend this week with following ratios:
4 parts Brazilian Starfish
3 parts Paper Lantern Hab
2 parts Aji Verde/Aleppo mix
1/6 part Cherry smoked Reaper/Primo mix
I was going for something that could be used liberally with focus more on flavors, but some heat. Needs more tweaking, but It didn't turn out bad. It's actually good dumped on potato chips. I made some deviled eggs last night, and used it like Paprika. Leaves a pleasant mouth burn if you eat enough of it.
Peter S said:
I'm a novice at this, but made a blend this week with following ratios:
4 parts Brazilian Starfish
3 parts Paper Lantern Hab
2 parts Aji Verde/Aleppo mix
1/6 part Cherry smoked Reaper/Primo mix
I was going for something that could be used liberally with focus more on flavors, but some heat. Needs more tweaking, but It didn't turn out bad. It's actually good dumped on potato chips. I made some deviled eggs last night, and used it like Paprika. Leaves a pleasant mouth burn if you eat enough of it.
I made some brown moruga powder a couple of years ago and also used it on deviled eggs. It was awesome .
Peter S, for those not familiar with the flavor / heat profiles of your selections, what from each of them were you attempting to capture and combine into your blend?
CAPCOM said:
I made some brown moruga powder a couple of years ago and also used it on deviled eggs. It was awesome .
Peter S, for those not familiar with the flavor / heat profiles of your selections, what from each of them were you attempting to capture and combine into your blend?
The Reaper/Primo part was mostly just to up the heat a little. The others I grew for the first time this year and really liked the flavors. They all tasted sweet to me, but with varying levels of heat. The B. Starfish had very little to no heat, and mildest flavor so I used it as the base. The Paper Lantern had same heat as other habs, but didn't really have a heavy Chinense taste. The flavor was mild and sweet. I used that to bring the overall heat up to medium, with hopes to not override the other flavors. The Aji Verde and Aleppo both tasted sweet/fruity to me, and added the overall flavor profile. Heat-wise, the Aleppo was around Jalapeno heat, and Aji Verde was a little less than half that.
I was trying to achieve a flavor with different notes of sweet/fruity and medium heat, but with no one pepper dominating. I think I could have backed off the B. Starfish a little, to the same ratio of the Paper Lantern. Would have made it a tad hotter and more flavorful.
Peter S said:
The Reaper/Primo part was mostly just to up the heat a little. The others I grew for the first time this year and really liked the flavors. They all tasted sweet to me, but with varying levels of heat. The B. Starfish had very little to no heat, and mildest flavor so I used it as the base. The Paper Lantern had same heat as other habs, but didn't really have a heavy Chinense taste. The flavor was mild and sweet. I used that to bring the overall heat up to medium, with hopes to not override the other flavors. The Aji Verde and Aleppo both tasted sweet/fruity to me, and added the overall flavor profile. Heat-wise, the Aleppo was around Jalapeno heat, and Aji Verde was a little less than half that.
I was trying to achieve a flavor with different notes of sweet/fruity and medium heat, but with no one pepper dominating. I think I could have backed off the B. Starfish a little, to the same ratio of the Paper Lantern. Would have made it a tad hotter and more flavorful.
This is what the thread was started for. Thanks Peter S
I also found the paper lantern to be appealing in the same way you did.
Amazing the effect of social media on realty
Im 2 seasons in on both reaper and PL strain "PRIMO" and cant find a difference on ether side
What is it Im missing ?
TNKS said:
Amazing the effect of social media on realty
Im 2 seasons in on both reaper and PL strain "PRIMO" and cant find a difference on ether side
What is it Im missing ?
No one made mention of the two and I don't want that debate starting here.
Blended powders and why-
I hardly ever use any pepper I've smoke dried or dehydrated by itself.
I use peppers in blends 99% of the time.
I blend powders to suite what I'm cooking to accent what taste I want at the time-I smoke anything that flies,swims,crawls or walks.
The only pepper I seldom blend is Baccatums and Frutescens.
But a Pubescens and Baccatum blend is cool.
FOR my tastes.
Frutescence have that HOT short term heat and taste all their own.
Better for salsa or whatever than other stuff.
I make a lot of rubs.
Blends rule for rubs when I smoke stuff.
I never will understand the thing about ANY single pepper being the best.
I LOVE ALL peppers!
Blends for specific things are better.
Blends I think combine to bring out the best heat and flavor of whatever you use them with.
I LOVE smoked Manzano peppers BUT am addicted also to old time supers.
I think people screw up by thinking ANY 1 peppers is cool.
They are missing out on what taste combinations they could come up with by blending different peppers.
I use stuff for taste,other stuff for heat.
Beef needs different spices than Poultry or fish Etc.
Nothing is set in stone.
It all depends on YOUR taste in heat or spice blend for the way you use your peppers.
Yup,I use several different blends depending on my taste for whatever I'm smoking or using to cook with.
I'm looking for a smoker now. Just can't find what I want. I don't want electric and prefer not to have gas. Would like to find a nice bricket fired unit. But that's just the uninformed me talkin.