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Black Trinidad Scorpion

So Alpha stumbled across some "Black Trinidad Scorpion" seeds on eBay. I sent the seller a message inquiring about the seeds and he offered to send me seeds to try out. As I got around 30 seeds, I figured I should have a few others test them out. Hopefully, we can get some documentation going on this pepper. For those that I sent seeds to, they may or may not post a copy of their updates on this pepper here.

eBay Auction
Alpha's topic

Let the experimenting commence!
I want to start out by thanking ChicoAStar for sharing these seeds. i started the seeds two ways. four seeds went into a solo cup on top of a damp paper towel with a lid. the other 2 seeds went into a ziplock damp paper towel combo. i then place both items on a paper plate above a 84-86 degree area. ok this happens on july 4th at about 4 pm. on july 10 at about 6 pm i have 2 germinating in the solo cups. after the 4 in the solo cup germinate i move the 2 zip lock ones into the cup. Shazaam im 6 for six in about 2 weeks. so for me the seeds were Extremley viable. im now a true believer in the lidded solo cup, paper towel set up. No more ziplocks for me. lets fast foward, im not sure when to put these germinated seeds into soil, when the seedlings are touching the lid of the cup (an inch?) i transplant them into a 16 ounce cup with potting soil. they are placed on the window sill from 6am to about 9 pm so its a combo of direct sunlight and daylight. they get moved back at night to the 84-86 degree area. they are all about 2 1/2 - 3 inches tall and just the two leaves they germinated with. this so far is my experiance. and i wanted to share
man those things look like a chocolate scorpanero i was selling some months ago, ran out of seeds on this one interesting?

your friend joe
oh Joe it cant be. these seeds are from a secret area in trinidad that were smuggled out. and it was from a diplomat to a secret agent to a scientist kind of thing. LOL anyway you get the drift
can I see a picture of the seeds? trinidad scorpion seeds have a distinct shape. I have seen so many seeds lately I can distinguish a bunch visually.

whats the seeds look like.
man those things look like a chocolate scorpanero i was selling some months ago, ran out of seeds on this one interesting? your friend joe
I guess I'm a bit late to swap for a few of those seeds???????
Unfortunately, I'm down to around six seeds. I wouldn't mind sharing 1 or 2 if you both would like. If not, I'll be more than happy to send some seeds when I get some fruit.


Here is what the seeds look like.
Wan`t expected a follow up to this...didnt think you would ever see the seeds :crazy:

Chico, if you can send JR seeds do it! He is a generous bro!
Yes, I've tried to get these seeds in, but unfortunately Special Forces/Navy Seals snatched them as they were being smuggled in the pressurized deep sea submarine with bullet proof armor. The ransom is $1,000,000 to get them back now. I looked on Ebay, but can't find them. It must have been a limited edition thing. :) Bummer.

I agree JR is VERY generous. He would be an excellent grower to let multiply this seed!


oh Joe it cant be. these seeds are from a secret area in trinidad that were smuggled out. and it was from a diplomat to a secret agent to a scientist kind of thing. LOL anyway you get the drift
Yes, I've tried to get these seeds in, but unfortunately Special Forces/Navy Seals snatched them as they were being smuggled in the pressurized deep sea submarine with bullet proof armor. The ransom is $1,000,000 to get them back now. I looked on Ebay, but can't find them. It must have been a limited edition thing. :) Bummer.

I agree JR is VERY generous. He would be an excellent grower to let multiply this seed!

my feelings exactly
right now im 6 for 6 on the seedlings. if these things grow and i get pods that mature. i will pay it foward. JR they say ur a good guy(as it seems to me the whole forum is) it would be my pleasure to send u seeds if im sucessful.
ok, its a beautiful day in nyc, last week we had 3 days above 100 degrees. yesterday i put the 6 seedlings on the fire escape from 11-3 (instead of the window sill). maybe the sun was too strong the 2 leaves on one of the plants fell off. so technically i still have 6 seedlings. five look good they have between 2 and 4 leaves . the one without the leaves looks like a green toothpick. all is not lost, there is a feast at the local church so its sausage and pepper tonight for me and da old lady.
OK, im now 5 for 6. the one seedling that lost its 2 leaves when i put it on the fire escape to get more sun has bite the dust. the remaining 5 all have 4 leaves one has 6. i dont think they grew in height at all. PS the one black pearl that i have is doing a little better as far as # of leaves and height.
OK , its been about a week and i would say it is high time to give an update. im happy to announce that the seedling that lost its leaves that i called a green toothpick, has 2 tiny leaves that are growing from yhe top. it has better regenerative powers than me. all told they have not grown much at all in height but the stems appear to be thicker. since i dont have a camera i will try to give a description, the stems appear to be a brown /purple color and the leaves are regular green.
Yes, I've tried to get these seeds in, but unfortunately Special Forces/Navy Seals snatched them as they were being smuggled in the pressurized deep sea submarine with bullet proof armor. The ransom is $1,000,000 to get them back now. I looked on Ebay, but can't find them. It must have been a limited edition thing. :) Bummer.

I agree JR is VERY generous. He would be an excellent grower to let multiply this seed!

They droped their guns to bring the seeds on!You talk about training.We also saved the smokes and beer when possible!