health Black spots on pods?

I did my final harvest of the season this weekend and I noticed that on several of my Bhuts there were a few large black spots on the outside of the pod.  It didn't completely breakthrough the skin of the pepper but to describe what it looks like it almost appears what a cigarette burn would look like.  Can someone explain what causes this and is there something I can do in the future to prevent this from happening?
search Anthracnose on hot peppers....Images I found might be what your seeing?
Anthracnose is caused by the fungi Colletotrichum piperatum and C.capsici and is promoted by warm temperatures, high moisture and poor circulation among the plants. Both sweet and hot peppers varieties are susceptible to this disorder. Although the disease does not seriously affect vegetative growth, it can seriously damage pods. Symptoms appear on both ripe and unripe pods and are characterised by sunken, circular spots that can grow up to 1in in diameter. In moist conditions, pink or yellow spore masses may appear. 
By the looks of the images it is quite possible my remaining plants have Anthracnose.  The only difference is that it seems to only start to appear on the pods once they start to ripen.  I still have a dozen pods on one plant that need to ripen and I was thinking about bringing the plant inside for the winter but I think I might just call it quits for the season.