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chinense Bih Jolokia...dry or?


Here's my problem.

I got a Morich pod, and ate it on YT..I reconstutued it first tho and caught hell for it cause I don't have fresh ones like Hippy does. But, that pod came from him. It's the same, eh?

Hippy cant send fresh pods from AU, and I don't have fresh myself.

Should I feel bad for eating other than fresh pods?
I took a 1/8" of a dry Bih and ate it..was frelling hot..like a poker in my tougue.and that was a SMALL it chewed up.

Now, I plan to eat a whole one..and now i know I can, but I'll catch grief for not doign the fresh like Hippy.

Mey, I know it's just as hot, if not hotter. Besides, few people on Earth would dare to do it.

I just want to know, Hippy drys at like 90F..not crispy and under the temp for burning off Capsaicin.

Is that worthy of a vid?

I guess I wana know if ya'll got my back if I eat a dried Bih and folks say i cheat for not having fresh. I know Hippy and Andrew do, but i wanan know general consensus.

I won't do vid for no reason, or to be ridiculed.
I eat shit on vid because I can and I want proof of it, period. ;)

IDK why, but I can eat really hot stuff..and like it.

Neil gets me,..we bros of a diff time eh? He's one to see my love of chiles and foster it.

Does it matter though? Or, should I just eat my chilies alone.

Actually the dry pods I usually eat are not nearly as hot as the fresh ones. can't explain it, but that's that.
I ate a whole Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich. both were dry.
I have a bunch of Bih Jalokias growing right now...probably 10-12 plants...along with Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, Bhut Jalokia, Trinidad Scorpion, 7 Pod...naga morich already producing while the others are probably 2 months from fruit...

I would be willing to send you any of the above when they get ripe if you video eating it whole...not trying to be an instigator, trying to be an integrator...
Well poo.

Until I grow pods, I got no choices except the pods Hippy was kind enough to send.

Very hot...but I know, if I do a vid eating 'em, I'll catch hell for nto eating fresh ones. Something I can't help for months yet.
AlabamaJack said:
I have a bunch of Bih Jalokias growing right now...probably 10-12 plants...along with Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, Bhut Jalokia, Trinidad Scorpion, 7 Pod...naga morich already producing while the others are probably 2 months from fruit...

I would be willing to send you any of the above when they get ripe if you video eating it whole...not trying to be an instigator, trying to be an integrator...

If you wish mister, I'll hold ya to that ...

I'll eat anything that dont eat me first. ;)

And, I'm not a naga newb. I'll do it sir.
Ya got my word as a chilehead..you send, I'll eat on youtube. :)

The way I figure, we're making a new wave of publicity for chileheads..and for hot stuff everywhere! Not punk frat boys doing it on a dare..men doing it because we want to. And not freaking out.

They respect us now.

I tell peeps I eat peppers hotter than any they have every seen..they dont belive me..then I say..it's on video. They can't refute that.

We do it for all of you. Hippy and I may just change everything.

It's growing fast on youtube..but only a few of us can eat them and don't freakout..we just do it and report back. It's a different take on hot stuff.

Lets show the world how we can eat the hot, and that it's ok..not how differnt we are for liking it.

We hopefully aren't the ones they make fun of..we eat them like men. And we actually like it. We'd eat them anyways.

I convert new chileheads about twice a week..and it's just a start.

Well..I may want to take some seeds off those though...they only have like 3% of the heat...lol


Nah, I say I'll eat the pod, and I will. As sent. On 640x480 MPEG4.


I wont have pods for months yet, but i will recip when i can.

no problem...it seriously was not a challenge...as I said I was just trying to be an integretor and help you fulfill your wishes...

I totally agree with you on the "shouting it from the heights" when it comes to the love of chilis....

No pranks, just a testament to the aroma, taste, and heat of the pepper for others to see...

I have already said I am claiming "wuss" status...I have to have food with my peppers (unless it is a little sliver of the superhots)...
AlabamaJack said:
no problem...it seriously was not a challenge...as I said I was just trying to be an integretor and help you fulfill your wishes...

I totally agree with you on the "shouting it from the heights" when it comes to the love of chilis....

No pranks, just a testament to the aroma, taste, and heat of the pepper for others to see...

I have already said I am claiming "wuss" status...I have to have food with my peppers (unless it is a little sliver of the superhots)...

Well yah, I dont want to be one of the zillions of 'look what I think I can do..aieeee' videos.

I can take it. I've proven that.

If I can show those who grow and dont eat 'em for whatever reasons what they are like..then awesome.

Isn't a competition, THSC already blew that out of the water..nobody can do all that. But, he sends me pods for free just so I can try 'em..he's a swell mate he is. I owe all my serious hot experience to him. Just happens I'm good at it..lol.

I just want to try all the hot I can too. :)
I'm an inquizitive mind..I want to know.

Agreed, you seen me, I dont' do drama...I just do it.

AJ, it's like acid back in the day..ya just gotta do it or ya dont know, eh? That experience helps now, eating stuff that hot is really Zen in the doing for me. It's pain expected, pleasure untold.


Ya don't have to send me anything bro since I'm to poor to do much of anything back, but if you choose to, then bless you.

as you have heard me say before...nothing in return expected or wanted...
Understood mate, just Pm me if you need to.

FYI, if I do YT vids with your chilis, I will make sure you have YouTube infamy along with me. I don't forget. ;)

And, thanks! :)
Here's some good advice: As long as you are happy with what you are eating and the video you are making then NO it doesn't matter dried or fresh and it IS (always) worthy of making the video. Btw, the a-holes that comment on You Tube videos are the biggest bunch of no-life pieces of sh*t that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across on the net.
Don't soft soap it Phil...tell it like it is... :lol:
do it on Vid So you get to see the diff between a dried 1 and then a Fresh 1, when you do that (as know you will :) ) as you wont remember by the time you do a fresh 1, but a vid ya can see the diff yaself later :)

The Love of heat, its addictive but people don't know,, all they see are people running round like gooses, screaming and think "oh im not trying 1 of them" and miss the love of chilli's cause of an idiot,,

Q's vids are Great, and is helping to spread the Word, Funny thing is when i watch, i don't see some1 trying to impress others,, i see a Bloke who loves his heat and is showing the world the Joys of it, be it fresh/ dried /sauce /extract, I call it Education..

i vid everything. thought id get shit for doing a sauce Vid, nope people want more sauce vids, coool have 1 here of andrew and myself eating ice cream with a Plum habanero sauce, ya know how when you eat ice cream and your mouth and teeth get that cold numb,, well that and your throat is burning at the same time, so you have more to stop the burn and it just gets hotter, plus get brain freeze Oh and sweat ,, then when you finish, the burn comes forward to the front of mouth, but as your nerves in mouth were freezing and chilli, its a cold Burn WEIRDDDDDDDD

Its Bizzzzare,,but who would think Chilli's and Ice cream go together, and ive aldready copped shit over it, saying its stupid and Y would any1 want too,, the person i reakon could make a $mil from it Easyyyyy

Keeep up ya brilliant Vids dude, and if ya neeed any more dried just let me know :) and the sauces will arrive as i make em :)

Has every1 seeen his Brilliant review of my sauce on Youtube,, ya can't pay for stuff like that as its Honest and comes from the Heart..

take care man

ps looking forward to the Vid, the Bih is my Fav chilli in the whole world..
I can say that doing any type of video is worthless as it's all fake.
I ate pure 16000000 cap and it never proved a thing other than it was eaten wrong.
I suggest if you do a video you get a group of friends and you all eat a pepper that is dried or fresh and then we can see the pain on the newbies and how well you do ..
Philipperv said:
Here's some good advice: As long as you are happy with what you are eating and the video you are making then NO it doesn't matter dried or fresh and it IS (always) worthy of making the video. Btw, the a-holes that comment on You Tube videos are the biggest bunch of no-life pieces of sh*t that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across on the net.

I'll have to agree with you Philip. Half of the fun of watching a youtube video is reading the immature a-holes that always have some response, or debate on there. What's odd is it seems to attract the true morons from society!:lol: Also, I'm not talking about the video posters. It's just funny how people hide behind what they say on there. Kind of humorous actually. To me it doesn't matter either way how he eats it. I'd like to watch it just to see the difference between dried and fresh though. I won't mess with a guy for posting a vid of him eating any kind of chili. Even if it's a banana pepper. No big deal to me. Also, hippyseed I saw your videos. VERY good posts!!

I don't mind people commenting on my videos if they had an IQ above 50 and even understood the names they were calling me. One idiot called me a "peadophile" for posting videos of my daughter eating various chilis. He later apologized after the looked up the term he was trying to call me.

Then a right-wing nut said that he was reporting me to You Tube and the FBI as a pedophile so I asked You Tube to either remove all my videos or remove this guy and all they did was remove his offensive comments from my videos.
Ty neil, phil and rabbit...nice to see some like it. :)

Phil is right..one guy who'd made silly comments..i tracked him, and every comment he makes on pepper vids is something smartass...he is an 18yo kid whos bored apparently.

I guess I don't really care about what people think, I do vids just because..well because I can. Heh.

shayneyasinski said:
I can say that doing any type of video is worthless as it's all fake.
I ate pure 16000000 cap and it never proved a thing other than it was eaten wrong.
I suggest if you do a video you get a group of friends and you all eat a pepper that is dried or fresh and then we can see the pain on the newbies and how well you do ..

Fake? How is it fake??? You see me eeat the stuff...so because I'm not dancing around like an idiot its fake? Tell that to Andrew, eh?

I just eat stuff and give commentary, thats all.

I would do as you say, but only one other person I know would dare try it. He was raised in SE Asia and is pretty used to very hot food. He did eat the other 1/2 of the Morich pod I gave him. He wanted to do vid but he has nothing to do it with and lives 20mi away.

I'll just do as I please I guess. :D

Thanks all,

I was being sarcastic like all the comments you see on youtube.
I have pulled good videos of my minibike collection after some looser made a bunch of bad comments .
as far as videos I have seen on eating peppers I have to say Hippy has the best and most of what I see posted from this boards members are also done very well.
the other 10 thousand that I see of people eating the so called worlds hottest whatever are pointless and are made up of kids acting stupid.
I also like to see other people's plants and peppers in videos or pics so keep posting them.

shayneyasinski said:
I have pulled good videos of my minibike collection after some looser made a bunch of bad comments.

I have to disagree with you doing this. If you pull your videos because of rude comments then the loser that made those comments wins.