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storage Best way to store seeds?

Hey guys just wanted to know from your experiences which is the best way to store seeds? I have read that after properly drying putting them in your refrigerator is good or placing them in a cool dark place with airflow. Now the refrigerator idea seems to be lacking in terms of airflow. Any ideas?
Screw air flow, you don't need it. As long as the seeds are dry, stick them in a plastic baggy in the back of the refridgerator.
imaguitargod said:
Screw air flow, you don't need it. As long as the seeds are dry, stick them in a plastic baggy in the back of the refridgerator.
Sounds nice and simple. I like it.
I was talking to hippy last night about this, every so often (6 months or so) he opens the baggies and puts them into his drying box for a while (till crispy), says can keep for a couple of years like that.
I write what is on a coffee filter, put in the seeds, fold & roll it up into a nice package like a burrito, slap a rubber band on it and stick in a baggie. Can also put a slip of paper with desciption in the baggie as well to be easier to idenitfy.

I just keep 'em in a kitchen drawer.

Baggie protects, filter both snags any errant moisture and ya can write on it.
I even can put multiple varieties in one baggie, saving their use.

Like I did with the Funky Habs.

All in one baggie: one bindle has the "normal" seed, one has the light/peachy colored pod's seed only, and another has seed that may not work but am keeping JIC.

Now, I don't have 100's of different seeds...this idea might not work then, but i like it so far.
I am storing mine in small paper bags. Those who have received seeds from me lately will know them. I'm buying them in packs of 500, they are pretty cheap.
Like the idea of storing them in medicine bottles, you no the cheaps ones from stores..or old ones and slapping a label on damn good idea of incas :)
I dry my seeds in the open air on a styrofoam/paper plate. When they are dry I put them in 3x2 ziplock baggies--you can get a 100 pack at walmart for $1. I write the pepper I.D. on a lable that I put on the baggie and then I put the smaller baggies into a larger sandwich baggie and write the harvest year on it. I keep them all in the vegetable crisper in the bottom of the fridge (some pretty technical stuff, huh?).

I've got some seeds that are 4 or 5 years old that are still viable.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies. Probably going to try a combination of things based on your posts. Maybe some rice inside the coffee filter wraps for a little over kill haha.
Novacastrian said:
I was talking to hippy last night about this, every so often (6 months or so) he opens the baggies and puts them into his drying box for a while (till crispy), says can keep for a couple of years like that.
What is his drying box exactly?
imaguitargod said:
A enclosure for removing moisture.

Haha I guess I asked for that. No how does it remove the moisture is it a dehydrator or a dehumidifier or does it simply circulate air?
I air dry seeds in coffee filters for 7-10 days, then put them in paper coin evelopes with flower drying crystals for another 2 weeks. I then store my seeds in a coffee can with several silica gel packets and powdered milk or rice in a pantyhose bag for extra moisture removal.

Seeds can easily last 10+ years. I put the coffee cans in the fridge. You don't even want to know how many coffee cans there are in there...let's just say there is a dedicated fridge!
