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contest BEGIN! November Throwdown - Cheese

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The Hot Pepper

This month's TD is cheese! That's right, cheese! The rest is up to you...

"It ain't easy bein' cheesy." Ain't that the truth! I wonder if this "anything goes" format will make it even harder!

Mmmmmmmmmm cheeeeeeeeese.

READ: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry

PoL: $1.55

Ends Sunday 10 PM EST.


Thanks for kicking it off.
Potatoes Au Gratin

According to Google, Potatoes gratiné is "one of the most common of gratins and is known by various names. In North America, the dish is referred to variously as scalloped potatoes, potatoes au gratin, or au gratin potatoes. In French-speaking Canada, the dish is referred to as patates au gratin."

Gratin is a "widespread culinary technique used in food preparation in which an ingredient is topped with a browned crust, often using breadcrumbs, grated cheese, egg and/or butter" (I used Gruyère cheese.) "Gratin originated in French cuisine and is usually prepared in a shallow dish of some kind. A gratin is baked or cooked under an overhead grill or broiler to form a golden crust on top and is traditionally served in its baking dish" (although I put it on a plate.)

According to more research, Gruyère cheese "was referred to by the historian Hisely-who attributes the name Gruyère as coming from the word ‘Grand-gruyer’, meaning ‘forest guard’ – a high administrator and judge, charged with the protection of forests." Other aspects of the Gruyère history are also interesting to read.

Decided to give this one a try. Enjoy!

Ingredient List

9 slices Bacon
5 Golden Potatoes
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Fresh Arugula (as required)
3/4 cup milk
1 1/4 cup whipping cream
1/4 teaspoon green/yellow 7 Pod powder/flakes (also to desired heat)
1 Cup Gruyère Cheese grated
Butter cooking spray

To Prepare Gratin

1. Coat dish for use with butter spray. Layer 1/3 of gold potatoes into dish, overlapping potatoes slightly.
2. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon black pepper, and small amount of 7 Pod powder over potatoes.
3. Top potatoes with roughly half the Arugula may be required.
4. Over Arugula, layer 1/3 of prepared grated Gruyère cheese and 1/3 of prepared bacon.
5. Pour 1/2 cup of cream mixture over cheese/bacon layer.
6. Repeat layering process.
7. Top with additional layer of remaining potatoes. Sprinkle remaining salt, black pepper, and small amount of 7 Pod powder over potatoes, then remaining cream mixture.
8. Bake gratin uncovered for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Enjoy.

To prepare Bacon:

1. Cook several slices of bacon at a time in a skillet until done. Transfer bacon to paper towels to dry, and blot as required.
2. Slice bacon into pieces with sharp knife, removing end parts of bacon (or other pieces if necessary.)
3. Refrigerate bacon pieces until ready to prepare dish.
4. When ready to prepare gratin, layer 1/3 bacon on top of arugula as needed. Repeat layering.

To prepare Arugula:

1. Wash Arugula. Refrigerate until ready to prepare dish.
2. When ready to prepare gratin, break off portions for use and layer 1/2 of Arugula (use best judgment) on top of 1/3 of golden potatoes in bottom of dish. Repeat layering as required.

To prepare Potatoes:

1. Wash Potatoes. Peel and rinse as potatoes dictate.
2. Slice Potatoes in thin roughly circular shapes, removing end pieces as applicable.
3. Refrigerate until ready to prepare dish.
4. When ready to prepare gratin, layer 1/3 of golden potatoes in bottom of dish. Repeat layering.

To prepare Gruyère Cheese:

1. Remove Gruyère cheese from packaging. (Optional rinse here, learned after dish completed. hehe.) Grate Gruyère onto plate.
2. Transfer 1 Cup (close as possible for me) Gruyère to bowl, and then refrigerate until ready.
3. When ready to prepare gratin, layer 1/3 of Gruyère cheese on top of Bacon. Repeat layering.

To prepare Cream Mixture:

1. Mix 1 1/4 cup (close as possible for me) Whipping Cream and 3/4 cup milk into bowl.
2. If not immediately needed, refrigerate.
3. When ready to prepare gratin, pour 1/2 cup cream mixture over layer of Gruyère cheese/bacon. Repeat layering.
4. Pour remaining cream mixture over top of dish.


AWESOME job, keybrdkid! When I looked at your ingredients I was thinking ....scalloped/au gratin something....... Great presentation also.

Here's a few teasers-

(psst chile juju....if you're enting this td...nudgenudgewinkwink )

A contractor chilehead friend of ours invited me up to his place to glean some chiles and I jacked that red onion out of the ground also. Check out that LOOOONG cayenne-esque pod! No idea what it is....

So for the cheese part, I made a fresh farmers cheese - Heated 2 quarts whole milk to 180F, added 1/4 cup lemon juice, and set it aside for a few minutes to curdle. Layered a couple (small) pieces of cheese cloth in the collander, ladled the curds and whey into the cheesecloth and tied it all onto a spoon to hang in the pot. The ends were so short I used a hair clip to hold the ends in so they wouldn't untie from the weight of the cheese. Hey ya do whatcha gotta do, capiche????




Oh, I'd already emptied the bulk of the whey out of the pot, so the pot looks empty...but it really wasn't....
Chile Juju has the other half of that dollah!

edit- here's a picture of the fresh cheese broke apart in the bowl afte mixing in a bit of salt.....YUMMMMM!!!!!

moving on~

The red onion looks like something really nasty that I dredged out of the ocean, but it really was a nice fresh, (freshly jacked) red onion! It tasts GREAT! still fresh and crisp..... OK back on track....

The Cheeze Ball!

Broke it apart and sprinkled a little salt in it. Oh MAN!!!! I shoulda just bought a nice package of crackers, some fresh basil and tomato...and be DONE with it....but no.....here we go......

I crispied the pancetta and set it aside, sauteed the crimini, the jacked red onion, gleaned red chiles, and then chicky and fresh garlic, in the pancetta drippings and a little evoo.

Added the fresh cheese, light cream, and parmesan.......


down to the final pics....gotta get the final post up......

be back soon~~
Holding up the cheese with you hair clip... ewwwww.

Salsalady's Fresh Cheese Pasta Creamy Chicken Whatever

A fresh pasta tossed with a cream and fresh cheese sauce with sauteed chicken, pilferred garden purple onion, gleaned red chiles (and green jalapenos for garnish), crimini mushrooms, garlic, pancetta, s&p.


To make fresh "farmer's cheese"-
bring 2 quarts whole milk up to 180F (do not boil). Remove from heat and add 1/4 cup lemon juice or vinegar. Stir gently until the milk starts to curdle. Let it set for 10 minutes, then ladel into a cheese cloth lined colander. Bring the corners of the cheese cloth up and tie around a long spoon or spatula. Suspend over a pot for 1-4 hours to allow the whey to drain. Put the drained cheese into a bowl, gently mix in a couple sprinkles of salt. At this point, the cheese can be wrapped and refrigerated. Since I was using it right away, I went straight on with the cooking.

Render off the pancetta, and remove the cooked bits, leaving the grease in the pan.
Saute the mushrooms, and onion, and chile in the pancetta grease. Remove cooked bits to a side plate.
Add a little olive oil, and saute the chicken. Add some fresh garlic, add back the cooked bits, 1/2 of the fresh cheese, some 1/2&1/2 or cream, and some parmesan... to make a nice creamy sauce. Check the salt, add fresh ground black pepper (sorry, geeme)...... and then....

(oh, and somewhere along the line.....cook the pasta.....drain....and if necessary, cool until ready to use....)

Plate it all up, top with minced fresh red chiles and green jalapenos...

Wow Kid a really great dish , have to agree a out the colors, and a history lesson on the dish as well. Maybe a future TD idea there boss.

SL what can I say but yum and I guess that since CJ has the other half of the dollar shell be making a dish to complement yours?

CJ spent it at the half dollah stoh, on 4 candy cigarettes and some knock off finger nail polish remover.

SL that is pretty evil....

to NOT invite us to eat that. It looks great!
Beautiful entries!!!!

kbk - your potatoes looked awesome! Way to give the gratin some love! I'm such a sucker for your historical tidbits too!!!!!! :)

SL - Who knew you were a closet cheesecrafter?!?! Way to go!!!!! Man, the Salsa Fam ate goooooood last night!!!!!!!!!!! :drooling:

And the bar is set high - right out of the gate! YEAH!!!!!!
please ecxuse me if i make a mistake, this is my first throwdown, and a pretty simple recipe to boot​


there is the ingredients, like i said pretty simple but with a hot twist, and my 1.55 {face value} lol​
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