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video BeagleStorm vs. The Trinidad Yellow Scorpion - A Video Review

Ok well the Trinidad Yellow Scorpion is done. Judy sent me five of them, and the one I tried was the largest and absolutely huge. Really amazing how big some of these pods can get. Sliced it open and was greeted with a habaneroish and slightly fruity aroma. Not very strong, but I think it has had the most aroma of any that I have tried yet. Taste was pody, grassy, slightly habby. It smelled better than it tasted, but it did not taste bad or offensive in any way. Ending up eating half of it, it only gave me a medium mouth burn, zero in the throat. I think the Black Naga was hotter or it was very close. Texture of this yellow Scorpion was second best. The Red T. Scorpion Cross from Jacob had the best and most velvety texture I have tried. One nasty thing it did do, and was probably a result of the sheer quantity of Chile I ate since it was so huge, was give me a stomach burn like none of the other did. About 10 minutes after the video ended, I stood up to walk around and boom. It really hurt. Grabbed a piece of bread and laid down on the couch. Drank some ice tea to wash the bread down and stomach was back to normal after about 5 minutes. That is one of the main reasons I really don’t want to do a whole pod. This pepper had the most seeds of any that I tried. I think they cause the majority of stomach problems for me since they usually are not digested. Ok tomorrow I want to do the Dorset but may have to do the chocolate depending on how the pods are holding up after the long trip in the heat.
great review! your getting to try way more than i am. you may not find the perfect one but enjoy what these guys are sending you! love you to death man and i will send you yellow 7s and probably choc bhut and others! but thes guys are giving you a gift! you are getting to try way more than i am and that is a blessing! try them and be happy! i would gladly eat a whole yellow scorp or dorsett right now. and do a video and be thankfull. i'm not trying to be a jerk but you are getting far better oppertunities than i am. take them and be glad!
hey man! i apologise for the stupid comment i left lastnight. my friend were buying me beers all night and i should not ge on the computer when i am in that condition! as a matter of fact i should not get in that condition but crap happens. good review man!
No problem Naga, Sorry everybody if I came across as ungrateful. Sometimes when the camera is rolling you forget to say something or something you say comes out wrong. I really do appreciate everybody sharing or selling items from their gardens. I know how much time, effort and expense is required to get to the point where you have a plant bursting with peppers.

I also got me thinking that with out a reference point of a chile I really love the flavor of, it is hard to review these chiles for taste. I am being very critical because I am imagining that a chile that tastes really really good exists. I am quickly coming to the realization that they are all pretty similar and it may not be out there. If I try 50 chiles and end up not loving any of them, then my reference point will change and I will pick 10 of those 50 I did not really like to be my favorite and over time they will become my favorite.

This is just the opinion of a first time C.chinense chile eater. I have been eating C.annuum’s for a long time and really developed a taste for them. Even in just the short time I have been doing this the habanero flavor has started to grow on me, I think in a few months my taste for the C.chinense will develop and I’ll be beggin for seeds from some of the plants I thought I did not like. Someone with a trained palate might think the yellow scorpion was delicious. I think my reviews are going to be the most useful for new chile eaters with out a developed taste for the C.chinense like me. I definitely plan to re-do the reviews next fall with a better perspective on what I actually like and don’t like.

Finally I hope the Naga Morich doesn’t take me down tonight because I have a huge presentation for work on Wednesday. Maybe that fear will toughen me up.