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video BeagleStorm vs. A Bunch of Video Rematch Reviews

Sadly the season and my video reviews are winding down. I am pretty much out of peppers and it is unusually cold here for this time of year. This week the temperatures are in the mid 40's. I have been rushing to finish the remaining peppers I have and just as I did my friend Ron decided he wanted to join in and help. (Now he is mad I do not have anything hotter for him to try... They never believe you that it is fun and exhilarating until they have had a few and get the yearning a few days or weeks later. These are mostly rematches of peppers I have already tasted earlier in the season, but 2 of the 3 are with peppers I grew myself from plants that I got from CCN. They are funny to watch. My chiles were grown in 95-105 degree heat with only a few rains. They were very stressed and it turns out that it really does make a difference. The amount of placenta in these was just insane compared to the others I tested earlier. The Naga Morich especially and the Chocolate Bhut slightly less were much much hotter. They did not look as nice and were smaller than the ones I received but WOW were they hot. Hopefully next year, with everybody's kind sharing of quality seed that I have received, I will be able to grow them Hot AND Big AND Beautiful. A few quick notes. I liked the flavor of Jacobs Naga Morich better it seemed more balanced. The last bite of mine was hard to swallow, it may have been due to the extra heat in mine but I will be using the seed from Jacobs next year. My Chocolate Bhut I liked the same or slightly better. Same great taste mellow earthy. Just good and easy to eat the extra heat in mine really made it a good eat. Best of all the extra heat in both still caused zero stomach discomfort. I love it! Judy's Giant Yellow 7 was the same flavor as the original 7 but not as hot. However, after seeing how many pods she got from one plant. It more than makes up for it. I want to try growing them in my climate. Pictures tomorrow. Thanks everybody for a great tasting season…. Oh sorry... forgot to mention that Ronnie does quite a bit of swearing and cursing so keep the kids away.


it's always a lot more fun having another person in on the video. =D

i practically watch everyone's hot pepper vids.
awsome review mike!!! ronnie should have been in on this the whole time! funny stuff!!! now you've seen how climate makes a big difference in heat level. i figured that texas would produce some major heat just like here in savannah. even regular orange habs come out screeching hot. love that yellow 7 from judy. that's my favorite right now but i think that will change today. the barrackpore 7s she sent smell so good! they are the bumpiest waviest gnarliest looking pod i've ever seen in my life. next season you're getting some of these to test for sure! i should have some red 7s as well as the lime green mutant 7 to you in a week or 2. i got to get some of the mutants out to judy as well. i hope there is viable seed in there. awsome reviews but your not done yet! take care.
I love watching newbie's eat superhots! Classic
He won't be a newbie for long. He is now driving with out a steering wheel on a toll road straight to the house of reckoning.

awesome as always =D
Thanks Franz, I was sorry to here about all the super typhoons messing with your garden. Somehow my complaints about 105+ degree heat all summer now seem very weak compared to your situation.

Mic let Ron be there all they time lol her is funny
I tried to get him to do the video with your tasty Evergreen pod last week but he was busy. Thanks for the nice comments. It looks like there will be quite a few more videos complements of Silver Surfer. The future episodes with Ronnie will be called "Pleasures of the Placenta" LOL

Mike, this is fuking haaaahhhhhhh......HAHAHAHAHA
Tell Ronnie good job!
Thanks Sean - He is going to need all the support he can get over the next week or two. Silver Surfer and the last of Judy’s Chiles are going to haunt him well past Halloween. Then Ed is going to spice up Thanksgiving. Heheheheh

awsome review mike!!! ronnie should have been in on this the whole time! funny stuff!!! now you've seen how climate makes a big difference in heat level. i figured that texas would produce some major heat just like here in savannah. even regular orange habs come out screeching hot. love that yellow 7 from judy. that's my favorite right now but i think that will change today. the barrackpore 7s she sent smell so good! they are the bumpiest waviest gnarliest looking pod i've ever seen in my life. next season you're getting some of these to test for sure! i should have some red 7s as well as the lime green mutant 7 to you in a week or 2. i got to get some of the mutants out to judy as well. i hope there is viable seed in there. awsome reviews but your not done yet! take care.

Thanks Ed! The Climate was a real surprise to me. I know it made a difference but I did not realize how much till I sliced open that Chocolate Bhut. You saw haw Ron and I reacted when we sliced it open. I was not expecting it to be that white inside. The other one I had was totally brown inside and only had seed placenta. Really excited for next season now. Learning these little details about chiles sure keeps you interested and wanting more. I am really looking forward to your barrackpore review. Chris was saying it is very prolific and would make a good choice if you only wanted to grow one Red 7 variety. Let me know how the taste compares to the other Red 7’s. I would imagine it is similar to all the others but I can hope it is unique and different till I hear it confirmed otherwise. I think your package is going to come at just the right time to finish off the year with a bang.
awsome review mike!!! ronnie should have been in on this the whole time! funny stuff!!! now you've seen how climate makes a big difference in heat level. i figured that texas would produce some major heat just like here in savannah. even regular orange habs come out screeching hot. love that yellow 7 from judy. that's my favorite right now but i think that will change today. the barrackpore 7s she sent smell so good! they are the bumpiest waviest gnarliest looking pod i've ever seen in my life. next season you're getting some of these to test for sure! i should have some red 7s as well as the lime green mutant 7 to you in a week or 2. i got to get some of the mutants out to judy as well. i hope there is viable seed in there. awsome reviews but your not done yet! take care.
cool i wish seeds will come up as the mother plant....
i hope so to judy! you can maeket them and call them whatever you want! maybe lime green barrackpores?!! thats what they look like but they came from yellow 7 seeds. for some reason i throw a mutant in my yard about every 4 years just naturally. i don't know how or why but it just happens. i didn't save the chocolate hab mutant in 2005 but i will save this one! judy , you can market it and mike you can have the first test and put it out there! i couldn't think of 2 people that are more deserving than you 2 to put it out there! i hope it produces viable seed!
Thanks Franz, I was sorry to here about all the super typhoons messing with your garden. Somehow my complaints about 105+ degree heat all summer now seem very weak compared to your situation.

lost quite a few plants, some herbs in pots and some tomato plants. ah well. but that's alright, living in the tropics. just gotta get used to it. =D