baccatum Baccatum with longest stem

Hey there! For a project I'm planning, I'm looking for a Baccatum variety with a very long stem (from plant to pod). The longest one I've found until now is the Aji Ethiopian Fire, but I'm wondering if there are any others with exceptionally long stems. 
As a bonus, I'm also looking for Baccatums with interesting ripening (color change) behavior.

What do you guys have for me?!  :onfire:
Hi Bernd
Depends what your idea of long stems is really.
The Amarillos we are growing in the growdown this year are beasts in terms of height before forking.
The stake in this pic is 60cm for reference and its only recently forked
I think he is looking for the stem length on the Pod itself.
KAOS said:
Hi Bernd
Depends what your idea of long stems is really.
The Amarillos we are growing in the growdown this year are beasts in terms of height before forking.
The stake in this pic is 60cm for reference and its only recently forked
Yeah, it's a bit confusing but I don't know another word for it. I'm talking about the stalk from the plant to the fruit. 
MikeUSMC said:
Out of curiosity, WHY are you on the hunt for this? :think: :crazy:
I have an idea for a cross involving long 'peduncles', medium-sized round pods and white/ivory pods that ripen to a deep ruby/garnet color. Kind of like the Black Pearl variety, but then white and pendular. I selected a few peppers that I think can result in what I have in mind. Some combination of Aji Ethiopian Fire, Trepadeira Werner and Bulgarian Teardrop is what I have so far. I'm not quite sold on the ruby/garnet color, I might try to go with some Cheiro Roxa kind of coloring but I kinda wanted to keep it Baccatum only. Also not quite sure yet about the Bulgarian Teardrop, as they're not really as round as I'm imagining. As you've probably noticed I'm still in the orienting phase. All suggestions are welcome!
I thought the bishops crowns I grew last year had pretty long stems compared to other non-baccatum peppers I grew, but can't really compare it to other baccatum since I haven't grown any others.