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LOL! Pi wins, but I think she actually new that already, at least from somewhere in the deep, dark recesses.....
Now can you think of at least 3 songs with my name in them, or at least a derivative thereof - quick! ?
The Christmas song "Angels we have heard on high", "Gloria" by Laura Branigan, "Gloria" by Patti Smith, "Gloria" by U2, and a host of Latin songs frequently sung in Catholic churches, and tons more..... and if you REALLY have to go there (but you don't!), my mom used to sing a ditty to me: Glow little glow worm, glimmer! glimmer!
But yeah, don't go there! LOL

Have we exhausted this topic yet?
Part of me thinks because we are idiots. It's supposed to be government by the people and for the people, but what are we REALLY doing to stop the corruption and overspending and make our politicians and agencies accountable for their behavior?
On the other hand, if we could stop the waste in government, I wouldn't mind our taxes being even higher, if it meant things that are truly "basic" services were provided without an additional fee. It's that definition of "basic" where one gets in trouble, though.... In my mind, things like electricity, running water/sewage, and even core healthcare should be basic in this country. But then there are yahoos who actually believe that TV is a necessity and would want that defined as "basic".... whatev.

Did you really think I was going to answer that question in just one or two lines???
Funny you should ask that, as I was just thinking I don't recall having tried that kind and wondering where I might find it.

I like the flavor of Jarritos sodas, but find them a bit too sweet most of the time. How do they rank on your sweet scale?
Gassy - toronja is grapefruit. And yeah, DB, liquid flavored sugar is an excellent description!

Eating with yes closed..... I don't remember ever doing that.
What kinds of things have you eaten or do you imagine eating with your eyes closed?
Interesting. I genuinely don't think the thought has ever occurred to me, since our actual taste is not determined by what we see. (Sure, our perception of how something might taste is, but not the actual taste.) Weird, IMO! (Tell you wife I said so! LOL)

Next time she says that, are you going to keep your eyes open while you taste it?