lighting Are these lights okay?

able eye said:
So the debate goes from color temp to incandescent lights?
Grow anything under a MH and then grow the very same thing under HPS. Two very different color temps.
Report back your results are largely the same like everyone else.
Maybe if you want to grow coral it matters. Peppers, weed,
basil...pretty much the same under any color temp.
If you want to argue my 20 years of on and off indoor growing and all the other anecdotal evidence I have seen in that same amount of time then you should be able to do better than your own anecdotal evidence.
Also if youre arguing basic changes like internodal distance then go somewhere else. I am talking overall plant growth, vigor, and yield. I am also talking already accepted horticulture lighting. No one brought up incandescent bulbs except the guy throwing out red herrings.
{S Chime
Didn't catch the sarcasm, eh?
Och, now we're back on colour temp. RE: internodal and other physiological growth (overall plant growth, vigor, yield, pungency). Bugger off if a debate/arguement doesn't fall within your restrictions? Shore, right after I change my opinion because someone on the internet claims otherwise with little support, short of their word.
I have provided no anectdotal evidence here, that honour rests with yourself. Surely you can post a few results of your own objective experimenting?
Reminds me of a grower on another forum.
"Show me all the light graphs you want, I work from 20yrs experience"
He grows with solely HPS and will die that way. Flat-earthers are good for a chuckle.
miguelovic said:
I have provided no anectdotal evidence here, that honour rests with yourself.
miguelovic said:
That was a bald-faced lie
miguelovic said:
There are too many side by sides of varying spectrum, producing different results for me to believe otherwise. I always welcome information that conflicts with what I believe. At the least, it challenges what I think I know
1. That statement still stands.
2. I was refering to my own comment of "I see".
3. A general reference to repeatable, scientific experiments is anecdotal information?
1. pertaining to, resembling, or containing anecdotes:

an anecdotal history of jazz.

2. (of the treatment of subject matter in representational art) pertaining to the relationship of figures or to the arrangement of elements in a scene so as to emphasize the story content of a subject.

Compare narrative (def 6).

3. based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation:

anecdotal evidence.
Anecdotal evidence - wiki

Yes, in a narrow manner of speaking, you are correct. Based on my personal observation of hordes of scientific literature and a bit of experience, I disbelieve your original claim. At this point, one would think you would reply with something concrete to prove your point. This has not happened, nor do I think it will.
In this particular instance, you're a soot-caked cast iron pot calling a brand spankin' new stainless steel kettle black. Would you like me to define sarcasm as well, or are you going to submit something to back up your original claims? All I see is bullshit, bluster, and a weak effort to evade responsibility.
You know this isn't Hot Topics?
miguelovic said:
1. That statement still stands.
2. I was refering to my own comment of "I see".
3. A reference to actual experiments is anecdotal information?
1. pertaining to, resembling, or containing anecdotes:

an anecdotal history of jazz.

2. (of the treatment of subject matter in representational art) pertaining to the relationship of figures or to the arrangement of elements in a scene so as to emphasize the story content of a subject.

Compare narrative (def 6).

3. based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation:

anecdotal evidence.

Yes, in a manner of speaking, you are correct. But in this particular instance, you're a soot-smeared cast iron pot calling a brand spankin' new stainless steel kettle black. Would you like me to define sarcasm, or are you going to submit something to back up your original claims? All I see is bullshit and bluster.
Wow guys no need to get nasty just sharing ideas. :)
Shake hands and call this one a bust. Remember we're all here for the same thing. Are love of chilies :)
able eye said:
You know this isn't Hot Topics?
I didn't expect a reply with no merit or for you to contribute nothing to your unsubstantiated claims.
Before you take that seriously, here.

oldsalty said:
Wow guys no need to get nasty just sharing ideas. :)
Shake hands and call this one a bust. Remember we're all here for the same thing. Are love of chilies :)
:D True enough. Really ran off in to left field with this thread.
It's all good brothers!! Passion for what we love can inspire us to the greatest heights of joy as well as anger. Human emotion what can we do! Lol
I, for one, love the tangle of old vs new around here ... I never accept manual vs automated w/o testing all the combinations myself first, and then deciding on which corners *I* think I want to cut ...
grantmichaels said:
I, for one, love the tangle of old vs new around here ... I never accept manual vs automated w/o testing all the combinations myself first, and then deciding on which corners *I* think I want to cut ...
I wasn't faulting the debate only the course it was steering.
When seas are rough we always turn towards calmer waters. :)
AaronB said:
Well to the OP I think you've got plenty of light. I found T5s to be quite strong. I used 6500k bulbs and they did great until they went out for the summer.. I have a 4ftx4bulb and was able to get over 100 starts to around 6-8".
As to the debate... it was my understanding that some plants have a separate growth and flower mode like cannabis, while others like capsicum grow and flower at the same time. The former requiring the two separate spectrums (65 and the 27), while the later only needs the 6500k which most closely resembles the sun anyhow. ?
Thanks Aaron, so the 6500k T5's are perfect for peppers, that's what I want to know, thank you. Do you think that they will be good enough to get me to fruit bearing stage? I will have 2 x 4ft T5's, 6500k each, so that should be enough, based on what you're saying right? I also have a few CLF's that I will add to the mix once they get older.

I have two seeds that have germinated so far in my LED aerogarden, with more on the way I hope, not catyledons yet, but they are poking out yay!!!! I just hope my grow lights arrive in the mail shortly so that I can transfer my plants to the DWC system by the time the first true leaves come out. This is all so exciting ;)

Thanks to everyone for their interesting comments so far ;)

The redder light people claim certain flowering plants need mostly only occurs at sundown. The whole kelvin myth is based on 30-60 minutes of a whole day.
 And maybe a misinterpretation of this
Two T-5's might get you a harvest, but probably not much of one.

And there are two different type t-5 the regular 24 watts per bulb and the t-5 HO that is 54 watts per bulb. Those numbers would be way more helpful than the kelvin temp.
able eye said:
The redder light people claim certain flowering plants need mostly only occurs at sundown. The whole kelvin myth is based on 30-60 minutes of a whole day.
 And maybe a misinterpretation of this
Two T-5's might get you a harvest, but probably not much of one.

And there are two different type t-5 the regular 24 watts per bulb and the t-5 HO that is 54 watts per bulb. Those numbers would be way more helpful than the kelvin temp.
No, and nope. You're confusing optimal seasonal variations in spectrum and end of day irradiance. Nice try. You're right on a poor harvest from two T-5 though.
miguelovic said:
No, and nope. You're confusing optimal seasonal variations in spectrum and end of day irradiance. Nice try. You're right on a poor harvest from two T-5 though.
Still doesnt matter. Try growing anything.

Vertically Challenged said:
Too much conjecture in this thread I propose I set 2 tents up one with HPS one with MH side by side with clones
Been done a thousand times results are the same, Miguelobic refuses to admit it.
able eye said:
 Two T-5's might get you a harvest, but probably not much of one.
And there are two different type t-5 the regular 24 watts per bulb and the t-5 HO that is 54 watts per bulb. Those numbers would be way more helpful than the kelvin temp.
OK, got ya. So my 4 x 4foot T-5 HO 54watt per bulb (and 6500k a peice, but thats not important) should be good enough then (thats 4 blbs total). Plus if I throw in a couple of CFL's into the mix, then I'm golden? Now I'm understanding this a lot better.

Thanks for your ongoing enlightenement and clarification!!!

able eye said:
Still doesnt matter. Try growing anything.

Been done a thousand times results are the same, Miguelobic refuses to admit it.
I disagree I've found recent strains I grow vertically respond very differently to the light I give them some like HPS some MH.
Post me a pic of your last indoor chilli grow for curiosity sakes.
Thousands of times I would like you to link me to 10 studies please that should be easy for 1000's of times.
Excellent idea VC. The only suggestion I would make is to include more than one cultivar to the equation, if space permits, re: anuum and chinense.
able eye said:
Still doesnt matter. Try growing anything.

Been done a thousand times results are the same, Miguelobic refuses to admit it.
It does matter, because you're pandering in bullshit, ma petite troll.
You have provided no information to back up your claims. Feel free to rectify this at any point and time.
The name you're struggling to type is Miguelobitch, I believe. I'll admit that is a bit of an assumption, you appear to have trouble including all the necessary letters and words to provide that elusive quality of a well written sentence, clarity.
Vertically Challenged said:
Too much conjecture in this thread I propose I set 2 tents up one with HPS one with MH side by side with clones veritcally obviously it's impractical for me to grow any other way.
My personal experience says it doesn't matter. I've tried both with similar results.
Peppers aren't pot. They don't care about spectrum nor amount of time the light is on. Pick a light and run with it. The longer you burn the light, the more they will grow.
The biggest difference between the blue spectrum of MH and the red spectrum of HPS is that it is a heck of a lot more difficult to get good photos for your glog with a HPS bulb....... That is why I run MH these days.
Does spectrum matter to indoor plant starts (re: how the majority of users here are using lights)? In the grand scheme of things, not really.
Does spectrum matter to plants grown exclusively indoors? Yes. Different spectrum will produce different result, from overall growth characteristics (plant height, leaf size/thickness, chlorophyll content, etc) to pungency. The high level of narrow band spectrum control with LED (unfeasible with HID) has spurred new research over the past decade in to the variance in all parameters of growth of many common crops, with applications above and beyond cannabis.
I'll post information up tomorrow, for anyone interested, to back up the claims made above.