health Anything wrong with Reaper

This is first time i am growing reaper  . Plant looks healthy however plant leaves feel like very thin ,soft  tissue paper on touch . I dont think its underwatering issue . Plant is under 50% shade during 11 AM to 1:30 PM . and get full sun to about 4 pm . Temps are around 38 C /100.4F . Growth is good , posting plant growth progess in 4 days 


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The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
They look very good, a bit yellow, maybe a touch of Nitrogen? Wait for others to chime in though.
That bit yellowish is from epsom salt foliar spray  burn . Used a pinch in 1/2  liter but still it fried  2 citrus plant and gave burning /chlorosis effect on many others . I think thats coz of very dry and high temps .Right now i am avoiding any kind of fertilizer (organic /synthetic ) as even 1/4 amount causing burns .Apart from this i sprayed imidacloprid 17.8 @ 1ml/L only on this plant 10 days ago as i have whiteflies issue .
Give it some shade...anything blocking the sun/direct heat during hottest periods.

Give it mild ferts once a week, water as needed in between.

It will bounce back in no time.
stc3248 said:
How long it been outside? The leaves that form indoors under lights will thicken up as they start to put out the oil and wax necessary to cope with sunlight. 
it germinated right there , where it is now . At start leaves were so thick and sturdy , but now they are so thin , like i am touching wet tissue paper . Sry for poor english 
Masher said:
Give it some shade...anything blocking the sun/direct heat during hottest periods.

Give it mild ferts once a week, water as needed in between.

It will bounce back in no time.
the plant is grown right beside citrus tree ,ghost pepper and hab orange. Its in a big pot , which is combination of two pots . The top part act as root pruning pot . i Fertilize the whole pot every 20 days  with equal parts of vermicompost , cow manure , bone meal , neem cake . i will post pot  pic soon . it gets shade as mentioned in first post 


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jonassx100 said:
This is first time i am growing reaper  . Plant looks healthy however plant leaves feel like very thin ,soft  tissue paper on touch . I dont think its underwatering issue . Plant is under 50% shade during 11 AM to 1:30 PM . and get full sun to about 4 pm . Temps are around 38 C /100.4F . Growth is good , posting plant growth progess in 4 days 
ive read that pepper plants do best in 26c temperatures, maybe try some more shade cloth around 1:30pm - 4pm to get the temp down a bit? experiment and see what happens 
I would transplant that Reaper into it's own large pot.

There doesn't appear to be enough good soil available for that little guy in it current location.

Here's my two Reapers put into shade yesterday to begin hardening off for transplant.

Masher said:
I would transplant that Reaper into it's own large pot.

There doesn't appear to be enough good soil available for that little guy in it current location.

Here's my two Reapers put into shade yesterday to begin hardening off for transplant.

these are lovely plants , how old they are ?. Soil is mixture of garden soil and compost in equal ratio with added bone meal , neem cake and sand 
jonassx100 said:
these are lovely plants , how old they are ?. Soil is mixture of garden soil and compost in equal ratio with added bone meal , neem cake and sand 
From seed in Feburary.

Your mix if good....but your plant is competing for soil and fertilizer from soil already loaded with roots from the older plant.
Masher said:
From seed in Feburary.

Your mix if good....but your plant is competing for soil and fertilizer from soil already loaded with roots from the older plant.
actually that lemon plant is just repotted , earlier it was in 10 inch pot , and its in almost 18x18 inch pot with fresh . Heres latest pic btw 


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The plant looks healthier now. I don't see much wrong with it. Your soil looks like it may be a little heavy...I think if you let it ride it will finally figure it out. You may try re-potting with a little more perlite or vermiculite in the soil, but I would wait a little longer and let it do it's thing since it is starting to look better on its own.
stc3248 said:
The plant looks healthier now. I don't see much wrong with it. Your soil looks like it may be a little heavy...I think if you let it ride it will finally figure it out. You may try re-potting with a little more perlite or vermiculite in the soil, but I would wait a little longer and let it do it's thing since it is starting to look better on its own.
after 3 unsuccessful  years and 5 other seedlings died for no reason , this is the only one which survived , because i used Carbendazim and imidacloprid on this one  . I have no seeds left and my growing season is almost half complete . I cant take a risk to dig it out and  repot it  .


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