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Anyone grow Marigold nd geranium near pepper plant ???

Hi guys,

some flowers are supposedly a good repulsive method for pest control .

i have read that marigold and geranium are good choice...

anyone plant them around peppers and other veggy to help in pest control?

"Supposedly" - Didn't do a darned thing for my garden when I tried it. I don't bother any more. Not only that, but I don't even care for marigold or geranium flowers or plants, as I don't find them attractive. Others may feel differently, but I'd say don't waste the space unless you find them attractive and just want them.
I always grow marigolds and zinnias next to tomatoes and peppers. Do they inhibit bugs? Who knows. But I always get compliments that my section of the community garden is pretty and productive. Plus, this past year I had a few praying mantises in the zinnias. Love to watch them hunt!
i do (marigolds, not anything else, yet...) and i've never had a problem with mites. now, i'm only on my 3rd year of growing and my 2nd year of growing marigolds as companions. they are supposed to attract the bad nematodes to the marigold plant instead of the peppers or whatever else. i've also read that it's one kind of marigold in particular that works for the nematodes, and the marigolds i have are just generic ones from lowes, that i have regrown each year (they give you lots of seeds). i know that when i yank out the dead marigolds their roots look like hell (like nematode damage looks), so maybe they are doing something. also, the peppers i pull that are grown with the marigolds, their roots look good. just my two pennies
Marigolds, as pest preventers, need to be the stinky french ones.
Common american varieties have little to no effect.
thanks for the info guys!

i will put some between to plants here and there! will see if the ajapnese bettle will go away! those damn bug should go to my neigborrs not me ;)
I just got a few thousand seeds from my last round of Marigolds, I was planing om putting em in the ground next to my peppers, we will see.
Yea for you, Prehensile - plant all of those marigolds, reap the benefits of their beauty, and see what they could do to deter any of those bugs! You'll have to send a pic or two of your 'field of dreams'.
I am testing it out this year, but no flowers yet just giant MGs...
I have a hibiscus out the front of my house and that thing is loaded up big time with aphids. I dont really get any aphids on my chillies, I think they prefer the hibiscus.
I grow a few marigolds in and around the garden. Not sure if they do any good or not but I like them and besides roses they seem to be the only flower I have any luck with. Generally I don't have a lot of insect problems other than the usual spring aphid wars which aren't that big of a deal and the occasional horn worm grab and smash party.

If Im not mistaken, the Marigolds harbor mites.

That's usually considered a good thing. They keep the spider mites off of other plants. ;)
That's the usage I was implying. They are used as "trap gardens".

I've never tried it though. Let us know how they work out and if they attract, transfer or all of the above.
That's the usage I was implying. They are used as "trap gardens".

I've never tried it though. Let us know how they work out and if they attract, transfer or all of the above.

I've only run into spider mites on one occasion and that was in a different location. They destroyed a couple of cucumber plants and were making a move for the peppers at the end of the season.

For the previous five years I was where I'm at now, and have had no real problems other than the aphids and horn worms, which have been relatively easy to deal with.

The spider mites were awful though and I hope I don't have a problem with them again.