artwork Any tips on my logo?

The Hott Dude

New Registrant
I am willing to have tips to make any changes before the production, which is small and for friends and families but still I wish to look professional like others here. 


  • mysauce_-hottdudelogo22.jpg
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The whole ass-on-fire/anal-flames thing is a common theme with marketing and such.
....bottling the anal drippings image is not good.  But maybe that's what he's going for?
If you want to use it for a sauce that is given to friends and family, go for it!  The actual graphics of the label is unbalanced.  I would suggest-
put "anal reserve 2018" in a single line right under "HottDude" text
Center both lines of text and the silhouettes
skooch the text and silouettes left to take advantage of the best flames imagery
and then crop the flames so the whole label is skinnier and taller than what is shown, and centered on the best flames on the left.
Oh, and the HOTTDUDE text will need to bump up so the Anal text will fit below it, but above the drippings silhouette.
(ewwwww, way too much innuendos and s#!t going on!!!!)
good luck?
The sauce you mention, the post was 2016. Since then I have made the sauce better. They told me the goat was prohibitive for bottling so I left this out.
The labeling is from a web designer. The image means, she so hot, that the sauce is hot that she is evacuating, because we don't mind it from a hot woman into the bottle! :lol: This was my idea for Anal Reserve and the web designer has come to make this happen well, to me. I am surprised there is no good comment yet.
There is a difference of graphics that show a flaming anus because of eating a hot sauce...And a graphic that shows bottling rectal drippings which would be the sauce to be consumed.

FYI...The image of the drippings coming from a hot chick makes no difference.

If this was a legit sauce, you might want to.know that women make 80% of food purchasing decisions. A label such as above would turn off or be offensive to pretty much all of the customer base. But since it is just for fun and for friends and family...Make the spacing adjustments as suggested above, go for it and have fun!
The Hott Dude said:
Thank you salsalady. The men in the family they think it is not so good, the womens, they love it. My mother she said I should have asked her to model it because she blows up the bathroom like nobody :rofl: I told her next time, on the sequel sauce, she can model it and I will call it Mother Lode. :lol:
Wow, did not expect those views.

Different country, different views. If it works were you are at, go for it.