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soil Any easy/effective soil mix suggestions? Overwhelmed...

Hello all,

Was just wondering if I could get some suggestions for easy and effective soil mix recipes. I read the all about soil thread, and frankly, I'm so overwhelmed right now, I don't know what to think hahah.

Please help me out here, I really need to find a good mix for my plants once they've gotten to the first transplanting stage. I got as far as ordering coco coir, but not sure if that was a good idea... any suggestions I could mix that with?

Is ProMix any good for long term indoor growing? If so, which type of promix? all-purpose? BX? Potting mix? Soil? Would this one be any good? http://www.lowes.ca/potting-mix/pro-mix-1-cu-ft-potting-mix_g1829174.html?ProductSlot=2

I would probably go for Happy Frog if I could get it in Canada but oh well...

My poor head hurts from all the choices...Thanks in advance.

don't go crazy just get something simple. Promix bx or miracle grow work just fine. 
Also if you have a nursery near you ask them what they use and if you can buy some (they usually bulk order a whole pallet or more). My nursery carries Berger.ca custom mix with rice hulls which is lovely.
miguelovic said:
What's your goal? A water-only mix or an ideal substrate for fertilization?
I don't quite know actually, it doesn't really matter I suppose, I'll do what's necessary, whether its only water or fertilizing subsstrate. My goal is to grow my peppers completely indoors from A - Z. i will be doing some DWC but I want to do some soil/soiless ones as well. Maybe suggest an ideal water-only mix and an ideal substrate for fertilization please? Thanks,

juanitos said:
don't go crazy just get something simple. Promix bx or miracle grow work just fine. 
Also if you have a nursery near you ask them what they use and if you can buy some (they usually bulk order a whole pallet or more). My nursery carries Berger.ca custom mix with rice hulls which is lovely.
Yup, that's the goal here, to keep it simple. I will check out Berger.ca and also think about promix. Thanks.

Pure coco or a 1:1:1 ratio of peat/aeration/compost with 1-2 cups per cubic foot of meal. DWC fertilizers would be more compatible with soil-less peat mixtures IIRC, coir would need a separate nutrient.
ok, here's my next question: If I used promix Potting Mix

"Suitable for potting and re-potting plants in containers
Formulated with natural coconut fiber to safely hold and control moisture levels
Contains a slow release fertilizer that feeds for up to 9 months
Components: Canadian sphagnum peat moss, coconut fibre, perlite, limestone, slow release fertilizer and mycorrhizae"

and since this mix already has a "slow release fertilizer" and mycorrhizae, would I need to give it extra nutes as well? Or would the already included slow release stuff be good enough? I am looking at the Foliage-Pro 9-3-6, would I be able to use that with this specific promix potting mix? Or is it not necessary? Thanks in advance guys,

I've always had good luck with Fox Farms Ocean Forest but don't know how that works with a hydro/dwc setup. I have friends who swear by 100% coir and chemical nutes from General Hydroponics for other "produce" besides peppers.
In any case, I wish you luck with your growing.
Not sure on that particular brand, but slow release will usually last 2-3 monthes, after which you will need to fertilize. I'd aim for a more balanced NPK.
juanitos said:
don't go crazy just get something simple. Promix bx or miracle grow work just fine. 
Also if you have a nursery near you ask them what they use and if you can buy some (they usually bulk order a whole pallet or more). My nursery carries Berger.ca custom mix with rice hulls which is lovely.
Looking to do pro mix myself. Got a bag today but still have my previous inventory so will test out as well.
2:1 ratio mix of peat moss and organic mushroom compost, and i add just a little bit of potting soil to hold water better. works great for me.