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organic Another take on Organic Fertilizers

Oh, so is that why the corn planting intensity has nearly tripled since E10 went on the mass market. Why portions of the rainforest are being cut just to help meet the ethanol demand by planting corn (where it doesn't grow well. . . what do you know, more fertilizer). Grasp of facts!? Look whose talking with the blinders on! I'm sure you grow crops that are not the highest $/unit just because you like to feed society. Just go back to collecting your subsidies from MY TAX MONEY in MY FREE DEMOCRACY!

Adios and enjoy YOUR LITTLE WORLD...
You really need to get something that resembles a life! I am not receiving any tax subsidies; I'm actually growing a huge variety of veggies and plants to see if using underused or unused urban land can be converted into something that is profitable and contributes to Community Sustained Agriculture. If raising and caring for Sugar Snap Peas, tomatoes, peppers, Romaine Lettuce, broccoli, green beans, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, chard, zucchini, onions, strawberries, black berries, squash, carrots and celery, along with Apple, Cherry, Peach and Apricot trees (plus other veggies), some which will not produce any income for 2-3 years, is bad because I want to maximize my profits, while giving local people access to local produce grown without chemicals is bad - I plead guilty. Crucify me! I don't care!

Keep beating your dead horse!

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If you would have actually read what I wrote you would have noticed my problem is with large scale industrialized agriculture operations. I don't want to make enemies out of anyone so I'm extending an olive branch (it doesn't even have to be from an organically grown olive tree).
Works for me! And if my garden was in full bloom, I would extend a bag full of dehydrated peaches, apples, grapes, strawberries and other stuff!


Like I said before this is a subject that could go on forever and now it seems its turning for the worst. For me I don't think we need mass produced food at the cost of our earth. Alittle of a hippie attitude of doing things for yourself and your community on a small scale would go a long way. If Henery Ford would have stayed with his orginal idea of his cars running on grass (smoke some ya all could use it) our air would be cleaner. But he didn't and instead sold out to the oil people. If people before the dust bowl would have practiced better growing there would have been no dust bowl-water or not. But they didn't and we learned a valueable lesson about strip farmming and the need to keep tree lines in place. And today if we don't learn to grow our own and use natural products we will be so chemicaly fucked up that the next generations will be living in a bubbles eating a chem bar watching the last plant die on computer ( it'll probally die cause they over chem fert ). You know this at my age is starting to really hit home. My son (Marcus Robinson 20 years old) is getting married. He wants the same thing I've had-a long life free for the most part from sickness. I'm not worried too much about him more than I'm worried about his grandchild. My family has been raising only one child for a few generations now not because we have to but because sometime ago my family seen that there was a need to reduce (many families durning the dust bowl and depression lost alot of children). I come from a long line of farmers. Back then they grew for their families and friends maybe sell to the local store. The only difference now is I sell any excess at the farmers market. I truely understand the large corp. farms having to cut cost to sell to the masses but at what cost. I don't believe they are thinking for our children If a double cheeseburger cost less than a organic tomato. Stay green Stay alive.:)
For those who have the time, this is a great 2004 documentary on the evolution of our food. Its very sad how greed is ruining the world's food :(
Same as with every other product....mans greed turns a product intended for good into something that's all about profit margins.....

Thanks for the vid Potawie.
For those who have the time, this is a great 2004 documentary on the evolution of our food. Its very sad how greed is ruining the world's food :(
Ok. Posting that vid has now made this thread I started worthwhile. The main reason I posted it was to have it challenged. I'm glad I got the answer I was looking for. In my opinion, if the best way to fight evil greedy companies like monsanto is to go organic, then consider me organic.
Here is something you will all like:
For those who have the time, this is a great 2004 documentary on the evolution of our food. Its very sad how greed is ruining the world's food :(

I've seen it before on the History Channel and knew that "RedtailForster" was on the mark on this one. I thought it was only available on DVD, thanks for the link.

Great story, too bad it's true!!
Yeah, sorry Dazastar for kind of taking this thread and really running with it. I never intended it (or at least my posts) to offend anyone here. If I did offend anyone, I'm truly sorry. This subject is very near and dear to my heart for many reasons.
out of all this, i am curious, what do members believe are chemical fertilizers? it seems we have organic down but what do you believe are chemical fertilizers? by that i mean is granular miraclegro a chemical or do you believe it is just those that are synthetically manufactured products? curious about brand name companies' products.
I like using organic fertalizers because there cheap if not free. I try and emulate nature as much as possible because its not subjected to price inflation and limited availablity. I grow stuff because its fun and i dont have to rely on others to provide me with my peppers as much as possible, so it doesn't make sense for me to rely on others for my soil either.
I like using organic fertalizers because there cheap if not free. I try and emulate nature as much as possible because its not subjected to price inflation and limited availablity. I grow stuff because its fun and i dont have to rely on others to provide me with my peppers as much as possible, so it doesn't make sense for me to rely on others for my soil either.

A lot of it is a judgement call and also common sense. I use commercially available organic fertilizer but I usually add it to my compost and feed my plants that way. I also use commercial Fish and seaweed fertilisers. There is a reason rganic certification bodies produce lists of approved inputs and that is that they are deemed safe for the consumer and the earth.
It is great to see people who are passionate about their beliefs on this forum, the world is a better place for it and if we all said what can I do about it I am only one person then we WILL be over-run by big companies (govmint included) who want to control and regulate everything that we eat, say and do.
A lot of it is a judgement call and also common sense. I use commercially available organic fertilizer but I usually add it to my compost and feed my plants that way. I also use commercial Fish and seaweed fertilisers. There is a reason rganic certification bodies produce lists of approved inputs and that is that they are deemed safe for the consumer and the earth.
It is great to see people who are passionate about their beliefs on this forum, the world is a better place for it and if we all said what can I do about it I am only one person then we WILL be over-run by big companies (govmint included) who want to control and regulate everything that we eat, say and do.

I agree, you are very wise my friend!!