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Another "pepper or weed" post

Can anyone suggest what these are? ....the first and third are the same - these are supposed to be peppers but look a LOT like weeds to me :mouthonfire:

The middle one....I have no idea from whence it came :( but it's also starting to look a lot like a weed.




If you suspect they're weeds, please give me a "percentage probability" estimate, I'd hate to yank 'em if there's a glimmer of hope !


Damn it!
I've been nursing those buggers for over a month....they get watered, nutrients, I even sit and talk to them in the mornings.... :crazy:

Please say it ain't so :(

R :( :( ZE
Rooze well at least now i know you have pepper seeds please plant them no more weeds!! :woohoo: lol

thanks your friend Joe
I just don't understand it :lol:

I swear I took four pots, filled them with potting soil....bought a pack of hab seeds, planted one seed in the middle of each pot, and watched one seedling sprout.....nurtured them into the healthy specimens that you see before you....only to be told by yoo's all that they're ....weeds!

Now this is the second weed incident this season.....a "friend" gave me a seed which I also planted and grew, only to be told (on this forum) that it too was a weed.

Maybe it's yoo's guys!!

Here's a picture of the 'Weed Observation Deck' that I took a while back.....I sit in my chair every day talking to my babies.....:eek:

They tried really really hard to look like peppers, but they failed.

Too bad they weren't dandelions, you would have figured it out a lot quicker.

Your one weed is starting to bud, you may want to watch out for DEA helicopters flying overhead.
You know the really strange thing is that I've looked around the place and can't see anything resembling what I have in my pots, growing wild in the ground????

I mean, you'd think that if they were weeds, there'd be a few similar weeds growing around the place?? - but I can't see any. :eek:

Which makes me think that I'm actually growing what I planted.

I don't know if I should feel better about that or worse :crazy:

100% sure both are weeds.

I suggest you become familiar with what a pepper seed looks like, they look quite different than most other plant seeds. Also, you should start more than one seed, and only keep the strongest/largest/fastest growing after they have all sprouted, that way you can be more confident that what you planted is what sprouted (if you see three or more of the same sprout in the spot you planted three or more seeds). Also take a look around this forum and the web at photos of the plants you planted so you have an idea what such a plant should look like.

Also, many potting soils unfortunately contain a few(or many!) weed seeds, especially if the bags get ripped or have small holes in them and sit at the nursery/garden shop for awhile, so that is what may have happened.

It is also a good idea to start pepper seeds in small pots and transplant them after they get a few inches high.
Hi Indiana_J

The seeds I bought were brand name Burpee. They were supposedly Orange Habs. I started them in miracle grow potting soil and planted six seeds in one of those 2' long plastic herb trays. When they grew to around two inches I transplanted into pots. Nothing else has sprung up in those pots, so I was OK with it. After a few weeks it was obvious that from the six planted, there are 3 the same, another 2 the same and 1 different. The two the same and the 1 different are what I've shown here. So somewhere, somehow they mutated into weeds :eek:

Now I have issue also with the three that are the same. They are showing no signs of flowering or pods. My suspicion (I'm getting paranoid) is that all six were some form of weeds!!! So they were either present in the potting soil as you suggest, or there was something wrong with the seeds. The seeds looked like hab seeds I've planted before. I may still have some somewhere from the same pack that I didn't plant, I'll go look.

All in all this is very strange.
Sadly, I've become quite attached to them (and maybe them to me). I'm thinking of having some kind of ceremony or wake; right before I rip the little bastards to shreds :onfire:

2 are possibly basil the leaves and the seed/flower stalk looks like a basil pick a leaf rub it and smell it... the green with the red streaks is a weed evasive so kill it before it goes to seed.
The two that may look like basil looks to me like "pigweed" a type of amaranthus not used for ornamental or food purposes (although you could try eating it, may be a bit bitter compared to other amaranthus though). The seeds were probably in the soil, and you may have had only 50% germination of the habanero seeds (you planted 6 right?), so 3 + 3 = 6, now if a whole bunch of weed seeds sprouted and you had 23 little sprouts, maybe you would have been more suspicious?
now if a whole bunch of weed seeds sprouted and you had 23 little sprouts, maybe you would have been more suspicious?

Exactly! and that's the real kicker in this, they grew in the starter tray evenly spaced, exactly as planted, and nothing else appeared within the 2 or 3 week window to where they were split up and potted.

I'm seeing the funny side of this but I wish I had a better handle on how/why, so I don't lose another batch next year!
Damn it!
I've been nursing those buggers for over a month....they get watered, nutrients, I even sit and talk to them in the mornings.... :crazy:

Please say it ain't so :(

R :( :( ZE

Haha...u r truely obsessive with weeds not pepper...too much attention would get u fired from ur currently job