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container Another 36 Transplanted to 5 Gallon Containers


Extreme Member
I am getting way behind in my transplanting task. Here is a shot of some of my annuums that I transplanted Tuesday and Thursday. This is my hardening off area...gets sun about 3-4 hours a day from noon till about 3 or 4...they seem happy...

the temperature hit 99.8F here at my house Wednesday and the temp in the greenhouse was 103 even with both ends open...I would say spring has sprung...

there are Hungarian Death, Anaheim, Chile de Arbol, Mariachi Hybrid (Thanks Pepperfreak), Super Cayenne II Hybrid, Ristra Cayenne, Golden Cayenne, African Birds Eye, Super Chili and others I can't remember...


only about 100 more to go....
Looking good. what's that potting medium you're using? looks as hard as stone. :shocked:
Mine used to look like that, but I changed the formula and now it's all fluffy and purdy.
thanks Omri...the soil is a mix of sand, compost, and potting soil...the reason it looks hard is I packed it down a little when I transplanted and this pic is before I watered...there is plenty of perlite in the mix but you can't see it in this pic...it is not as "firm" as it looks...
yup...those are the ones you sent...forgot to say thanks Omri...so thanks again...
AlabamaJack said:
yup...those are the ones you sent...forgot to say thanks Omri...so thanks again...
Don't be silly. how 'bout the rest of them chiles? got yourself a Douglah plant?
I take it that it is very early in the season for you AJ? I have been privy to your hothouse stuff and was wondering if these are the plants from the hotty.
got a few others that ran into some trouble germinating...temps got too hot and cooked the seeds (I wasn't paying attention and had the thermostat set on "continual on"...aphids got to the douglahs and they are still recovering in the greenhouse...probably be another month before transplant...

yup Nova...from the hothouse...
Gah, sorry to hear that. will be having some pods soon enough, so could send ya some more seeds if you wanna.

BTW, is that pot at the front of the batch an African Birdseye? doesn't look anything like mine. what strain of African Birdseye did I send? was it the extremely tiny one or the somewhat longer version?
yup...thats it...and I just don't remember what the seed looked like....

thanks for the offer, but I am completely done with planting seeds this year...
Keep up the good work AJ, garden is going to be spectacular again this year. Wish I could help with your transplanting. Cannnot wait to see a group shot of all your plants in the growyard.
AJ, nice looking plants, how are sales going? Don't get on here much to comment but browse every couple of days. Everybody has some nice looking plants. been very busy getting these seedlings ready, I'm up to around 1700 total plants. Well back to work.

Do the plants still need hardened off after being in the GH? I thought that was enough.


1,700 plants!!! Wow, my 1100 keep me swamped

thanks y'all...

Cappy...if you lived closer I would buy the beer if you could help transplant...

Dale...sales went pretty good the first time...I will try it again next weekend at weatherford 1st monday...have sold about 60-80 since the last 1st monday...

Mike...I don't know if they need to be hardened off again or not after being in the greenhouse...this is where I put them until I get the fenceline cleaned up from last year and start putting them in their "permanent" grow area
Looking good AJ.

You might want to be careful, it sounds like this could be turning into work and not just a relaxing hobby.;)

wordwiz and thepodpiper you two have taken things a step beyond hobby. Hope it all works out for you two.