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outdoors Alaska Fishing trip

Well I finally got a bit of free time, I thought I'd post a few neat pictures from my fishing trip to Alaska :)


A nice halibut (5'11, 187 -- for reference I'm 6'2, 200)


Bald Eagle on the beach


Bald Eagle fishing for Salmon (as were we at the time)


More of the eagle

An Otter trying to eat a starfish


An ugly spiny little fish called a Skulpin


A humpback about 70' out.


A pod of Orcas (killer whales)
omg im SO jealous! Where did you go in Alaska? Looks like you had a lot of "action" as for animals- love it! Thanks for sharing this :o)

xo Nicole
Way to go, I recommend everyone does this type of trip at least once in their lives - I did it in 2007 and have similar pictures.

After hauling up a 30lb halibut, I don't think I would want to handle a 200lb'er - bet you were sore after that monster.

Here's one for you, I caught a Ratfish, the Skulpin has meritt for a saltwalter fish, colour, spiny fins, big eyes but the Ratfish is just plain UGLY!
Very nice halibut there! Where did you all go out of?

I just did a full day trip in late June out of Seward, AK on the Legend. It was a great day! Caught a few halibut, lots of sea bass, skate, ling cod, and even saw some whales jumping. They even cleaned, packed, froze and shipped the fish overnight all the way to us in Florida when we got back!

Such a great experience Alaska is.
I've had a BUNCH of fillets, I brought back ~200 lbs of fillets, mostly halibut and maybe 10 lbs of salmon.

We went fishing out of Gustavus.
That's awesome. Halibut goes for ~$16 a pound where I am. I hope you got them cheeks too!

It's 17-20 around here, and rarely very good when you do find it. I did save the cheeks, the meat is a little softer than the fillets though, I put it in things as opposed to making it the feature.