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harvesting AJs Harvest #9 08-06-08


Extreme Member
You know I have been whining the last three or four days feeling bad about a problem I have had and have overlooked the other plants in my yard that are doing fine...so the whining stops...I learned my lesson the hard way...do not overwater...

I have been blessed to pick so many peppers this year already...several of you have offered seeds and I thank you for that...but I really think I am going to be able to have enough seed stock for next years plantings...

Please forgive me if I do not trade any of my "homegrown seeds" with anyone this fall because I fear what problem I had may be transmittable and I do not want to spread it...If I trade seeds I will have purchased them from a reputable dealer...

Anyway...here is a picture of my ninth harvest...most of my fruit is on the small side but they are really tasty and have a good heat level for their variety...

AJ, that is an incredible spread!!! To think that it is your 9th harvest and I'm sure there are more to come. You are making me want to kick my own butt for not taking pictures of my previous harvests as sort of a record.

Congratulations on the 9th harvest. I sure hope you get the Excalibur and the Magic Bullet for your birthday cause you sure could use them.
Looks great AJ.

My growing season is just about to start.

I have all my little babies in the seed starter as we speak.....
Impressive harvest! I'm glad you are still able to pick that much despite the trouble you had with your plants' wet feet!

Hey AJ - 3333 posts!!!!
Thats still a great harvest A.J like you i have to had to swallow my pride..i lost a lot small plants early on in the season because of overwatering,nature is throwing me another curve ball in the fact the rain has been constant the last ten days..if only we could mix between hour two weather systems :)
thanks all...I am just ahead of most because I live further south...

that yellow Jalapeno is the NuMex Pinata, the fruit are yellow until they ripen and turn red...first Jap I have seen that is not green until ripe red...

I didn't even notice the 3333 chiliac...at least it wasn't 666...
I've got bad news, I'm sure you made a 666th post at some point. Hard to avoid unless you stop at 665 and get a new account!
Would be very annoying to avoid the 13th post! :)
Chiliac said:
I've got bad news, I'm sure you made a 666th post at some point. Hard to avoid unless you stop at 665 and get a new account!
Would be very annoying to avoid the 13th post! :)

Omri said:
A lot of people confuse 666 to be "number of the beast". it's actually 69!

to me truthfully, a number is just that...a number...but you always hear like Omri said...number of the beast...so 69 is the number of the beast...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...no further comment

How are your pinata plants doing AJ. They are never very big or productive for me but better than Jaloros

Bingo Potawie...plants are probably 16" tall, they have had yellow or yellowing leaves all year long...fruit is small but very tasty...I have been trying to get the leaves to green up using espom salts but now I have given up on the green up thing and just let them do their thing...

Are yours yellow or are they green?
Mine are struggling this year more than last and leaves are quite yellow. Nice peppers and color but dissapointing growth IMO.
Mine are struggling this year more than last and leaves are quite yellow. Nice peppers and color but dissapointing growth IMO.

are these last years seeds from your stock or did you order them from NMSU CPI?
Real nice harvest AJ, I am harvesting the same type of peppers(Serrano, Tabasco, Thai, Cayenne) in abundance. My larger pods have all gone on vacation for the time being because of all the heat, 106 degrees here yesterday. It is a fine line giving your plants enough water or letting them cook out in the sun. My anaheim and bell plants have also been producing well like yours. My Nagas and Bhuts also seem to be doing fine in this hot humid heat of the deep south, lots of new green growth. Can't wait till fall.
Very nice harvest AJ! Nice pictures as always.... About the NuMex Pinata things, I have some friends told me that the characteristic of this plants is.....that is really weird for leaves and stuff except the pods, so maybe is just how the plant have to look.
