AJ's 2015 season prep


Extreme Member
OK...being back a week or so has got me with the bug again....and I am getting ready to start prepping for my 2015 season...starting with my yard...
I have a very large area I can grow in and can accommodate up to about 400 plants....have had 373 in the past...
this post is the start of a "fresh start" on pepper growing for me....everything I do will be documented via photo/video and words...it is probably gonna wear you out from reading it, if you so choose to read it...
first thing is back yard preparation...
here is what it looks like now....notice all the drip fertigation lines hanging on the fence...they all probably need new drippers...this first shot is looking east  and is probably 95 or so feet long down the edge of the retaining wall...the raised area is 16' 6" X 60'...

the second shot is looking SSE and shows a bunch of my containers and my poor ol' broke down cement garden...

the thirs shot is just the opposite of the second looking back to the NNW and shows the cement garden needs a lot of TLC....

The first thing I am going to attack is the cement garden....I need new PVC fittings and am going outside right now to take inventory of what I need...new PVC primer and glue plus the T's and 90's
I hope you guys will find this interesting...if you really want to know how I grow, follow this thread...I will keep it up until the end of 2015 when I start a 2016 thread
I look forward to this very much. I've seen a few of your Youtube videos from past seasons. I really like the layout you have there. All beautiful plants too, of course!
thanks all...off to Homus Depos to get a few PVC fittings and pipe...got my list made and am itching to get started..
Great to see the wheels in motion again AJ!  Will be watching.  I see lots of clamshells at my local HEB these days.  Naga Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpions.  They look pretty good but I haven't tried any.  I would guess that your not doing anything like that currently?  Any plans for your local markets as you once did?
Best of luck
hey Mike...you know, I was the first in the HEB chain with scorpions...that fact I am proud of...and only did it one time but still I got in there first...
all my crop will be for puree's that I enjoy making and sharing...I may sell a few if I have enough but I won't have enough of any one variety (on top of what I will need for puree) I don't think 
It takes about 140 grams of peppers to make a 1/2 pint jar of puree and I want 360 jars at the end of the season...so that's what? 111 + lbs of pods
I'm glad you're back.  The yard doesn't really look too bad considering you took some time off.  It shouldn't take a lot to get it back in shape.  What are your thoughts on what you are going to be growing? 
nice setup! I'm sure youll have er whipped into shap in no time. Looking forward to seein the progress. Do you use that shed for your starts or just storage?
Great setup AJ!
Hey welcome back to the fold AJ!! Did you keep any of your scorpion genetics from your grows a couple of seasons back?? You were getting some great looking pods. Anyway best of luck with everything!! Cheers
beerbreath81 said:
nice setup! I'm sure youll have er whipped into shap in no time. Looking forward to seein the progress. Do you use that shed for your starts or just storage?
ty sir....the shed is airconditioned for summertime use...I have converted my garage into a "growrage" and is where my germinator, grow box, and grow area is...
elcap1999 said:
Great setup AJ!
ty., ty
Trippa said:
Hey welcome back to the fold AJ!! Did you keep any of your scorpion genetics from your grows a couple of seasons back?? You were getting some great looking pods. Anyway best of luck with everything!! Cheers
will be growing from my original Trinidad genetics...thanks for the compliments on the pod looks....and thank you...
edited 6:53 pm
I got what I needed at home depot and when I got home, I couldn't stand it any longer...put 3 Cappy 7s and 3 Butch T Scorp seeds in for germination...will use papertowelinabaggieontopofcomputer method :)

Wooohooo we got AJ to germinate some seeds! Dust off those rusty string just one more time, going to let them shine.  Miss that backyard and expect a full jungle next year.  These will be huge plants next season.  For those that haven't met AJ yet his grows are legendary bar none.
thanks all...
Cappy...I'm not all that now...come on....