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harvesting AJs 18th Harvest 10-10-08


The superhots are finally ripening...there will be more pics tomorrow or sunday of more peppers...I just plain got tired of picking today...I still have some criolla sella, Deda de Moca, cayennes, and some others ready to pick....

top left square: Dorset Naga (Potawies), White Habanero

Top Middle Square: Dorset Naga (Ebay)

Top right square: Super chili, Israeli Red

Bottom Left Square: Chocolate Habanero, 7 Pot

Bottom Middle Square: Cherry Top, Wild Brazilian, Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, Red Trinidad Scorpion (both tail-less)...these came from Trini and must have crossed with the 7 Pots.

Bottom Right Square: Fatalii, Devils Tongue, Red Tobago Seasoning, Yellow Tobago Seasoning, Jamaican hot yellows and reds and a solitare Red Savina...


Yessir, it is turning out to be an amazing season for me...hope next year is as successful as this year has been...
thanks bro...expect a care package within the next week...I remember I owe you BB jap seeds...and remember when I said I would send you a Naga Morich and challenged you?...no challenge but you will get one of these Potawie Dorset Nagas... :lol: Hell, I am scart to taste one....
Great harvest AJ! I think your Yellow Scorpion look fine, there are a few tails I can see. Are all those nagas in the middle square from your 6' contest plants because that is a lot of nagas!
AlabamaJack said:
thanks bro...expect a care package within the next week...I remember I owe you BB jap seeds...and remember when I said I would send you a Naga Morich and challenged you?...no challenge but you will get one of these Potawie Dorset Nagas... :lol: Hell, I am scart to taste one....

Oh I'll eat one whole alright. It won't be the first anymore though since I ate one of PepperRidgeFarms naga morichs. Thanks a lot AJ I can't wait! I should have your little gift in the mail by Monday. I have to finish it off this weekend.
AlabamaJack said:
thanks bro...expect a care package within the next week...I remember I owe you BB jap seeds...and remember when I said I would send you a Naga Morich and challenged you?...no challenge but you will get one of these Potawie Dorset Nagas... :lol: Hell, I am scart to taste one....
Do they come standard in all care packages you send hahaha. I am just kidding, you are being more than generous as it is.
Awesome harvest though. I am glad to see your superhots are starting to come around and ripen for you. Plans? Plans? What will you be up to this weekend with all these? Maybe some more 7 pod poppers? Hahha.
Maybe a couple of poppers...

I just talked to the wife and tomorrow I am going to introduce to my household (me and the wife) AlabamaJack Presents Striking Strawberry Jelly, "A Little Dab'll Do Ya", (not for the faint of heart). Will be a combination of Dorset Nagas, Trinidad Scorpions, and 7 Pot. That ought to get your attention....
AlabamaJack said:
"A Little Dab'll Do Ya", (not for the faint of heart). Will be a combination of Dorset Nagas, Trinidad Scorpions, and 7 Pot. That ought to get your attention....

Yea that sounds like no joke.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Are all those nagas in the middle square from your 6' contest plants because that is a lot of nagas!

No Sir...the contest Naga Morich seeds for my contest Nagas came from Philliperv...they are very very rootbound now and will be some of the first I cutback and start the overwinter process with...

These Ebay Dorset Nagas don't have the typical naga shape...they are more like a mustard hab....every one of the pods are elongated and the sides are folded with blunt bottoms...all I got to say is they have the heat but not the pod shape I was hoping for...and as you see, they are very good producers...those came off one plant and there are about 25-30 others on the plant that have not completely turned...
You do it every time AJ! Just when I think I'm narrowing my seed selection down you show some more that need to be on the I have to have those list....I'm running out of room. LOL What a great looking bunch of peppers, let's see...need this, this and this .... it goes on and on. Plus hubby, who doesn't post much, thinks we can overwinter about 90% of the super hots we grew this year....the garage is getting smaller and how to keep them from freezing should be interesting.
Yeahhhh, AJ, fantastic harvest !!!!
So those small yellow peppers are the Brazilian Wild we were talking about a few months ago !!!! Now I can say that they are CumarĂ­ do ParĂ¡... A C. Chinense... It's a semi-domesticated pepper from a specific region of Brazil. The really wild CumarĂ­, is the CumarĂ­ verdadeira (true) or de Passarinho, it's red and it is a C. Praetermissium... :)
Though I must confess that I prefer the CumarĂ­ do ParĂ¡ :) I love yellow peppers :D.
Have you made your accounting already? How many Kilos did you harvest until now ???? I can't even imagine !!!!!
thanks all...

Omri, I know they aren't Dorset pod types but I don't know what else to call them...I haven't seen any pods that I know to identify them with...that is why I am calling them Ebay Dorsets...kinda tongue in cheek if you will...
18th Harvest 2nd round and total 18th Harvest Pictures 10-12-08

I finished pickin' this morning...got another pretty good crop...

18th Harvest Round 2 10-12-08

Top Left Square: Jamaican Hot Yellow, Jamiacan Hot Red, Chocolate Habanero, Cherry Hot

Top Middle Square: Super Chili, Wild Waco Tepins, Wild Brazillian, White Habanero

Top Right Square: One lonely small Red Savina, 7 Pot, Yellow Trinidad Scorpions (red ones are starting to ripen), Criolla Sella

Bottom Left Square: Unknown Peppers from Beth (Peppermania), Deda de Moco

Bottom Middle Square: Jalapeno Gigante, NuMex Pinata, Serrano Del Sol

Bottom Right Square: Israeli Red, Assorted Cayenne...


Total picture of my 18th harvest...it has definitely been a good year and hope to have 2 or 3 more harvest like this before it is over....

***AJ gets down on bended knee and says prayer for no early frost***


as an added note: I thank everyone on this forum for giving me advice this year on many facets of growing peppers from seed and making my peppers grow vigorously and produce many many pods.

This crop is because of you good folks here....again, Thanks from the bottom of my heart....
Wow AJ, that is an impressive harvest of some fiery goodness. Also, I hear ya about praying for no early frost. However, I'm pretty sure that I'll see frost before you (possible snow/rain mix Oct 26 :( )
wow; i hope my harvests next year are half this good; frost hit Vermont at the end of september so umm growing season (outdoors anyways) is over, thankfully i bring plants inside or id hardly get anything