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pics Aji Limon and Scotch Bonnet Pics

Here are some pics of what is left of the pepper plants I grew this year. I started these two plants from seed in May so they were a good month and a half behind my cayennes that produced like crazy. The Aji Limon plant got ravished by aphids over the last week. It has been in the house about 3 weeks and was fine until about a week ago. The Scotch Bonnet got munched on by bugs while it was outside, but since I brought it inside it has grown like crazy. It only has 2 pods on it so far, but it is still flowering (and dropping blossoms) a lot. I'm not sure if since its inside, in a small container and not getting the amount of light it would receive outside, it can only handle a few pods.






The first of the Aji Limons to ripen. The flavor was pretty decent. I was surprised how hot it was. Maybe stressing it out by transplanting it into the pot had that affect. I ate a big piece of the flesh, which had very little heat. Then I tore off a piece of the placental wall and ate that; it gave me a real good tongue burn that lasted for 10 minutes or more. I had a piece of a chocolate hab earlier in the day and the intensity of that heat was a little higher, but the burn only lasted a couple minutes.