seeds After 3 years of trying, I'm confident I finally bought real reaper seeds

I saw the other thread here about HD reapers being another pepper, I feel the pain (frustration, not heat lol).  This is the third season I've tried growing reapers, the past two "reaper" seeds were everything from some kind of Thai Chili to some kind of Hab.  I've been waiting with baited breath for the first fruit to appear on the new plants and here it is, I'm feeling pretty good about this one!  If this was a fetus, I believe the nurse would be telling us "it's a boy!" hahaha


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Doelman said:
I saw the other thread here about HD reapers being another pepper, I feel the pain (frustration, not heat lol).  This is the third season I've tried growing reapers, the past two "reaper" seeds were everything from some kind of Thai Chili to some kind of Hab.  I've been waiting with baited breath for the first fruit to appear on the new plants and here it is, I'm feeling pretty good about this one!  If this was a fetus, I believe the nurse would be telling us "it's a boy!" hahaha
Very nice, looking good...!!!
Save from pods so you know what peppers they came from. You still won't be sure of if they're isolated rather than a cross, though.
Ruid said:
Save from pods so you know what peppers they came from. You still won't be sure of if they're isolated rather than a cross, though.
That'll be a problem this year, I have 23 pepper plants, 5 different kinds.  I have enough seeds for next year though, if these turn out like they should I may try to isolate one plant to get seeds from it.
BTW I got these seeds, along with Aji lemon and Sugar Rush Peach, from rareseeds.  All the plants are doing beautifully and germination was literally 100%, already have around 10-15 peppers per plant on the others and the season is just starting!
Congrats, I too felt the frustration as only 1 out of 10 seeds germinated in my batch. 
It has been the laziest plabt I have ever come across. Been growing for 2 years, and barely over 1ft x1ft x1ft in size, and currently has put out only 4 pods, only one of which resembling the typical reaper shape and that one was eaten in half while still green by a caterpillar. The other 3, two have been rippened and picked, look like they crossed with my (supposed) chocolate bhutlah as they are not reaper shaped and are brown in color, not red. 
Waiting patiently for another fruit to set to see if it will produce real reapers. 
SpikeA said:
Congrats, I too felt the frustration as only 1 out of 10 seeds germinated in my batch. 
It has been the laziest plabt I have ever come across. Been growing for 2 years, and barely over 1ft x1ft x1ft in size, and currently has put out only 4 pods, only one of which resembling the typical reaper shape and that one was eaten in half while still green by a caterpillar. The other 3, two have been rippened and picked, look like they crossed with my (supposed) chocolate bhutlah as they are not reaper shaped and are brown in color, not red. 
Waiting patiently for another fruit to set to see if it will produce real reapers. 
from my experience, super hots are slow growing pepper plants, which is saying a lot considering how slow peppers grow to start with.  I started mine from seed 3 months ago and they're just over a foot tall now.  Compare that to the Ajis I'm growing, which I started at the same time under identical conditions, those are getting close to two feet tall and have over a dozen peppers each.
Your plant is 2 years old??  If it's only a foot tall, something is definitely up.
Grow Primos. Save yourself the hassle. Primos are real peppers, developed by a real botanist, who has a real website where he sells real Primo seeds. And Primos are stable and you'll get pods year one. Lots of pods, if you start then early enough. Big, bushy lil trees.

And, I guess starting this year, Troy has an active thp member growing out his isolated seedstock. . . So, there's that, too.
Bicycle808 said:
Grow Primos. Save yourself the hassle. Primos are real peppers, developed by a real botanist horticulturist, who has a real website where he sells real Primo seeds. And Primos are stable and you'll get pods year one. Lots of pods, if you start then early enough. Big, bushy lil trees.

And, I guess starting this year, Troy has an active thp member growing out his isolated seedstock. . . So, there's that, too.
*Horticulturist, not botanist.
Bicycle808 said:
Grow Primos. Save yourself the hassle. Primos are real peppers, developed by a real botanist, who has a real website where he sells real Primo seeds. And Primos are stable and you'll get pods year one. Lots of pods, if you start then early enough. Big, bushy lil trees.

And, I guess starting this year, Troy has an active thp member growing out his isolated seedstock. . . So, there's that, too.
If I'm unhappy with my Reapers this year, I'll look into the Primos for next year, thanks!
Where were you trying to source your seeds from for 3 years?  I got mine direct from the source, (about 4 years ago) and grew the right pepper out, first time.
3 years seems like an awfully long time (and a fair bit of $) to take to learn a lesson about counterfeit seeds. 
solid7 said:
Where were you trying to source your seeds from for 3 years?  I got mine direct from the source, (about 4 years ago) and grew the right pepper out, first time.
3 years seems like an awfully long time (and a fair bit of $) to take to learn a lesson about counterfeit seeds. 
I'm going to get blasted for this but.... Amazon lol.  The problem is, by the time I figured out they were the wrong type of pepper, it was too late in the season to buy and start new seeds.  So each season was just one batch of counterfeit seeds, I only "Wasted" maybe 12 dollars, but I still got peppers that I ate and enjoyed so it's hard to say I wasted anything really.
solid7 said:
That's fair.  Just make sure you don't let your experience be wasted.  Help others, whenever you can. ;)
My experience: Amazon seeds bad, seeds good.  lol
Doelman said:
My experience: Amazon seeds bad, seeds good.  lol
Even better if you go to the source for the seeds you want, when they're proprietary strains.