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nutrients Advice on starting Fert & Nutes?


I've transplanted my seedlings to 16 oz. party cups, and they now have their 3rd and 4th sets of true leaves. Think it is about time to start with some fertilizer and nutrient support.

I am growing in Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil.

What fertilizer should I use, at what strength, and how often?

Also, do I need to provide them with any nutrient support? If so, what? Obviously I will want to use water-soluble nutes until I re-pot, since they are already planted.

Any advice is welcome. Thank you.
Your soil choice has plenty of fertilizer for the first 3 months or so. Then you can use any of the organic fish based or the MG tomato feed.

Do not fertilize for a while, your soil has more than enough fertilizer.
if you are not careful, you will over-water your plants using the MG moisture control plus the soil is too "heavy" IMO....your soil may look dry on top but be very soggy at the bottom of the pot...and over-watering is a pepper plants worst nightmare...

as armac said, the nutrients in the soil are enough for a couple to three months, then use the MG tomato food at the recommended strength...
All I can say is Everyone above is exactly right and spot on! That is why I love this site..later on, when they need it, organic fish based fertilizer diluted at first, I second! Smells like heck but really boosts the young plants.
I had bad luck in the past and over-watering symptoms with similar mediums like MC and switched to soil-less mediums like coconut fibers and orchid type soils with good drainage and "rough-age" ? is that a word :}
Hehe sounds like a Metamucil commercial right?

Good Luck...and Be well..
i decided last fall, after a good amount of research to use Nature's Harvest organic fertilizer and Vermont Compost soil amendments. Both are fairly local products to me and came with a lot of great feedback. You can find both products at www.theonlinegreenhouse.com
I am using N.H. fish and seaweed emulsion and V.C. transplant booster. I also started seed in the organic moisture control and had great success germinating. Best of luck!
Thanks for all of the good advice.

I chose MG Moisture Control because I am new to gardening, and I wanted some simple and complete to get started with.

I will be very cautious not to overwater. I am using nested cups for drainage, so hopefully that will help me some.