indoor Advice for a noob for an indoor grow

Even though we are now having unseasonably warm temps downunder, the summer here has ended.
I would have left my plants to the mercy of the elements over winter before I joined this forum and read about all the indoor grows.
So, I have decided to try and grow some plants indoors just for S&Gs. I would like advice because I don't really know what I am doing. Inside my home is where plants usually go to die.
I am going to keep it simple, and cheap.
So, I have bought a cheap ass grow tent, a cheap ass light, and a fan (slow night shifts and ebay have a lot to answer for).
Not interested in hydroponics at this stage, going to grow in soil.
My questions are
Have I missed anything? Don't really want to overthink things.
What about stuff like fertilizer? Slow release type ok or should I be using liquid type?
Temps inside the tent. What should I be aiming for?
How do I know how far to put the light from the plants, or is that more of a reactive thing, ie if needs more light then move it closer?
#1 issue....your environment needs to be stable.

Humidity....a way to vent it. A way to check it.

Air flow...a way to introduce and exchange the air as needed.

Control temps 65-68 lights off. 72-75 lights on.

Exchange airflow as needed.

Just some things to consider....start youtubing indoor pepper tent grows. Read the comments by others to decide if the video is credible and offers good advive.
Masher said:
Coco coir is not for beginners imo. Stick with good indoor potting soil and fish ferts.

Keep it simple for the first time go.
Agree with Mash ... a good hydroponic soil such as the Dutch BioBizz or House and Garden Van De Zwaan if available is as good as any medium for a beginner... soil has a balanced ph so there is no need to add anything other than water

BioBizz Light has enough ferts for seedlings/young plants ... BioBizz All Mix has enough ferts till flowering... personally I use potash (magnesium sulphate) once the flowers show till fruiting

All the best
Thanks for the replies.  
Shorerider, I am in Sydney.
It sounds to me like I kind of have the right idea, good indoor potting mix fish fert, lights etc.
Masher, you mentioned humidity and air flow. Just to clarify on this if I may.
Humidity: I am assuming some humidity is good, too much is bad. Is this correct?
Air flow: I was thinking the flaps on the side of the tent for that, are you saying I should perhaps be looking at a fan to pump air in and out type of thing?
Remember, I am trying to keep this pretty simple, but I would rather it was successful than mediocre so will do what is needed.
I will look up some youtube vids when I get a chance to.
Temps, I guess I was hoping the lights would keep the temps up (but was going to see once it was up and running), I hadn't even considered the temp while the lights were off. I guess it doesn't get too cold around here so will have to look into that as well.
A question about running the lights.
I read things like 18 hrs on, 6 off etc.
Does this have to be 18 hrs on in one go, or can it be say 2 hrs on 1 off, repeat.  (I know that the math doesn't work out there)
This may help with regulating temps.
The more light....the more heat.
Plants transpire water and create humidity.

50% is good for indoor...70% brings on molds mildew fungus.

Airflow....some way to circulate the air inside.

Venting....usually a fan pulling air out with a mesh screened intake as far from exhaust as possible.

It's not to difficult. There are lots of growers here doing the same.

Have fun and happy growing
Masher said:
Coco coir is not for beginners imo. Stick with good indoor potting soil and fish ferts.

Keep it simple for the first time go.
Seemed pretty easy to me at least and i have always had way harder time using regular soil in chili growing than coco coir first time around in 2014, when i had my record breaking harvest thus far for me.
In coco coir growing first time around, you just need good working fertilizers, perhaps a mentor to guide you in the beginning and you should not have too much trouble at all.
Fair enough all. Thanks, I will get into what medium I will grow in once I get more set up. Not in a hurry to start yet.
Onto lighting.
The tent that I bought is 4' x 2'. I want to make sure I have enough light for it.
I bought a couple of 150w full spectrum LED UFO lights (cheap ebay ones), but have no idea if they will be enough.
I read on here all the time about T5 grow lights, and how they seem to be the favored lighting in many cases. Does any one use both LED and T5 lighting at the same time?
I did google research and understand T5 means the type of flouro bulb, and about 6400k would be good for growing. But what size should I be looking at for my tent.
I was thinking 2' plus the LEDs, or would this be overkill or a waste? How many bulbs?
I saw this one and would like opinions on it please. It is 2' long, has 2 x 55w 6400k bulbs, but seems to have single ended "double bulbs" (if that makes sense) and I have not seen them before. Is this a normal type of thing or should I steer clear of it?
After all those good suggestion..One thing that come to my mind would be a way to control PH so a cheap 3 in 1 soild tester ( ph,humidity and light)  would be a good addition to your kit as well as a small accurite temp/humidity monitor ( one that give daily high/low ), both are around 10$ USD 
Have a nice day!