7-Pot Savannah expriences?

  I got DESTROYED by one about an hour ago!!  It was the most painful pepper I've ever eaten by far.  I chopped one up and put it in a bowl of Campbell's tomato soup and had a glass of cool water to go with it.  It felt like a MAPP torch with every slurp, I almost stopped after the 3rd or 4th spoonful.  I had to go to my calm place and really work mentally to push through.  My whole upper body was sweaty, my head was spinning, and I felt like my hands were going numb.  My lips felt cut and the roof of my mouth feels blistered.  I went into a bit of a panic and had to eat some Greek yogurt a few minutes after, but it didn't do too much.  I rode a wave of euphoria and anxiety for about 30 mins, and I'm still buzzing.  I can't even remember WTF the pepper even tasted like! I love the buzz this gave me, I think I'll grow a plant or two just for fun!
  Anyone else dare to eat one of these bastards? Ever grow these things, curious how productive they are?
I wear size XL gloves, ate one of these:
Doesn't look like the Savannah's that I have seen, But based on your reaction, pretty similar to mine.
Absolutely destroyed me.

What is your pod/seed source for it?

It is a Nagacanario pepper and he told me this "This was an accidental cross that happened in my garden about 5 years ago. there is only the long variation now. the round one eventually threw long pods when put in a larger container."
Pod was from Brian Holmes ^^^^
Yea, here is a picture of mine.  I got the pod from Steven (Standbyandfire), who got the seed directly from Ed's garden.  I got some of the f2s last season from him and they were the same pod shape.  It is a hybrid, so it has a pod shape variation, however, this pod seems to just love to kick out long pods.  From the look of your pic the texture and color looks about right, but the shape is off for what everyone is seeing.  May have been crossed with something.  Either way, it is nuclear hot. 
I just had my 5th and last of these for the year. I have had both types now thanks to the good folks here. They are both the same flavor and heat/pain. These are the most painful still to me. I have had a few that felt hotter, but these Savannahs have a searing pain to me that is unlike any other. They also make other body parts go numb and tingle, my hands and arms mostly. I'll grow one or two of these not for flavor, but for the interesting effects. Maybe give them to macho idiots too!!!
Beerswimmer said:
I just had my 5th and last of these for the year. I have had both types now thanks to the good folks here. They are both the same flavor and heat/pain. These are the most painful still to me. I have had a few that felt hotter, but these Savannahs have a searing pain to me that is unlike any other. They also make other body parts go numb and tingle, my hands and arms mostly. I'll grow one or two of these not for flavor, but for the interesting effects. Maybe give them to macho idiots too!!!
Yep really do hurt, don`t they? Vicious little b*stards
i got a couple in a surprise Box at first I could not find the tag then when I did locate the tags I wasn't sure if the name was right or made up then I found a member that had grown it before. I save the seeds and sampled the pepper pod, Damn it was so hot I even had a hard time breathing and my heart started to race, I can tell you I was a bit scared as I was still recovering from surgery and cancer treatments and a bunch of other crap. All this just from a 1/4 of the pepper. Some of the pain was because I was still weak, but man I was sure glad that I just ate a small piece, as for the pods they looked a lot like what Matt had.
For those of you that can eat a half to whole pod you more power to ya, I would not want to go through all that pain.
I hope that when I grow them next season they will throw out some crazy pod shapes like the ones that KingDeNNiz had from his plants Scary really scary.