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3 Cotyledon Reaper

I had a rough time getting these seeds to germinate only 4 of 10. 2 of them by the paper towel/baggie method and the other 2 of them by chance. After a few weeks in a paper towel I moved them in a bowl of water fish emulsion and peroxide. The next morning 1 of them popped and I put it in the dirt. The morning after that another popped. I looked at my little baby last night and this is what I found. Never seen this before except on here. Pretty neat though.

I've had several 3 cotyledon plants.. fairly rare, but not as much so as a 4 leaf clover.

However, I've never cultivated clover.

Nice that you got the reaper.. it should be fine.
My brother and I both got "threebies". Soon reverted though.
Must be a reaper thing.
The 3 are still there, but the ones above are doubles.
Love it when nature displays a curve ball. Haven't had a three-cot seedling yet, but had a twin form (died) and a fused cot yellow brain (also died). Hopefully yours will be viable.
I had a few this past season, one was Trinidad Beans and now its putting out some pods. I seem to find these with alot of superhots and Trinidad strains
I had 1 out 7 do this, the plant ended up doing pretty well. I gave it to another member a couple weeks ago so I don't know how it's doing now.
it doesn't seem to help or hinder the little plants. It is a neat oddity, doesn't seem to be passed on consistently.

Happens with chinenses more than others from my experience.
I had about 4-5 of my 14 reapers with 3 cotyledons they look pretty strong. I'm going to keep seed from it seperated and see if it produces that way over and over.
Of 20 TSB seedlings (seeds are from the single pod) 18 have 3 cotyledons - and they grow like all other plants.