• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2021 GLOG

Well I figured it's time to start one of these. Like all good grow logs a good year starts with a clean table and lots of room to work before it falls into the usual mess of dirt and cups.

You can follow our grow here or for a 'to the minute' updates on instagram http://instagram.com/pepper.merchant

Here's to the other growers and to all the plants people ordered!
Forgot to click 'attach' on the photo!


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Ok we are GO!
Plant Tag #: Type - Number of Plants
Plant 1: Organic Reaper - 17
Plant 2: Reaper x Jay's Peach - 4
Plant 3: Purple UFO - 4 
Plant 4: Primotalii - 3
Plant 5: Hungarian  - 2
Plant 6: Aji Ayuyo - 2
Plant 7: Hallows Eve - 2
Plant 8: Apocalypse Scorpion - 2
Plant 9: Pink tiger x Peach Bhut - 2
Plant 10: Thunder Mountain Longhorn - 1
Plant 11: Inca Red - 1
Plant 12: KSLS - 2
Plant 13: Bhut Jolokia White - 1


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HeatMiser said:
Nice selection PM. Seems a bit chilly outside over there...
What are you planning to do with 17 Reapers?
8 are spoken for by people buying plants.
The remainder will be split in half for a little test of in ground planting vs potted stock.

We started 6 years back doing aerogarden only for fun and it has slowly evolved into then last year where we ramped up to 20+ plants in 7gallon containers after moving.

We have away seeds and plants to co-workers and restaurants to see if there was a market in our rural area and they all came back asking for more this in 2021 so we decided to see if we can sell some peppers as a side hustle.

We have just under 11 acre of land to grow on and this will be our first time turning the soil and attempting to make something out of it. I figure if we split them 50/50 the potted will still provide enough for sauces and powder if the in ground stock lags behind / is destroyed by the deer. I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket.
Quick update to the grow, no movement yet on the germination front. But a final order came in so I have finalized my grow list for 2021. 
Plant 1: Organic Reaper - 17
Plant 2: Reaper x Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion - 6
Plant 3: Purple UFO - 4 
Plant 4: Primotalii - 3
Plant 5: Hungarian  - 6
Plant 6: Aji Ayuyo - 2
Plant 7: Hallows Eve - 2
Plant 8: Apocalypse Scorpion - 2
Plant 9: Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut - 2
Plant 10: Thunder Mountain Longhorn 3
Plant 11: Inca Red - 6
Plant 12: Khang Starr Lemon Starrburst - 2
Plant 13: Bhut Jolokia White - 1 (The last seed)
Plant 14: Piri Piri - 7
The approach:
Container gardening using fabric bags from last year, as well as doing some in ground to see how that goes.
The objective:
To grow out some seeds I have grown low on over the last 5 years and make more hot sauce and powder this year. The inca red and thunder mountain longhorns will be used as dish garnishes season long.
The only regret I have is not getting more Vezenka Paprika in this year as this a phenomenal pepper for powder once dried. I am also waiting on a order of Piment D'Espelette to arrive and may add them to the list.


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DontPanic said:
What is it about pepper seeds?
I check them every 15 minutes during the day, but they only hook out at night....
Kinda like that "a watched pot never boils" thing.  
Something I remember my mom saying about water and such in a pot on the stove.
Quick update, the first few plants are starting to come up! We are on Day 13 here in the great white north. So far we have had a single 13h power outage where the dome + plants fell to 11c. Normally we have a woodstove as backup (not for the plants but for humans) but we had just replaced the gasket the night before and it has to cure for 24h, talk about our luck!
Anyways here are the plants:
- Primotalii
- Apocalypse Scorpion
- Thunder Mountain Longhorn
- Inca red
We had a little accident when I hastily knocked one over thought the was a goner for sure. See the single photo, thats not the way its grown that was for sure a 'kink' when it fell upside down on the floor like a jelly sandwich would. Placed him back in hte humidity dome for a few days and he seems to be ok so far! There may be hope for this season yet for him!


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Quick update! 30 Days have elapsed since we put seeds in starters and its time we move the seedlings into cups while we wait for the rest to come up.
Germination has been less that idea this year as we have have issues with our heat mat being unable to keep a constant temperature in the dome. -23c today and running low on wood.

We had 3 seedlings removed from our last stats as they are in the 'may not make it ' realm of things.

However I am finally getting some pollen from a indoor hydroponics plant I have been doing since the fall so thats exciting and my KSLS are coming in quickly.

For more photos check out: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrHP1pB3I0/


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ahayastani said:
Respect you can achieve this in the Big White North :)
We will see! I figured after all the help this community has provided me that I would start sharing the benifits of that help.
It is a uphill battle in these temps. 109 days until we can move these outside, maybe sooner. We plant early early this gives us larger plants so we can start the season running.
I purchased a makeshift cold frame and hope it will get me a month of extra time on either side. 
Not a whole lot to report. Plants are doing well we lost two reapers to a hasty pull of helmet head. Absolutely zero germination of the hungarian pepper so I added more seeds and we will see what happens. We have added a few more peppers (this time for the last time, we mean it) to the list for a nice even 20 types.

Coldframe has arrived and is awaiting the snow to melt. I am already counting the number of containers we have and planning for expansion.
Approx half these seedlings are orders from local vendors so just now when seeing 8 of 17 reapers am I getting to 2 plants for our own use.
Big changes as the house starts to have a more stable temperature due to the sun being up longer.
Lots of plants have come up since my last update.

Still not a single Hungarian, I dont normally soak my seeds but I have attempted 4 starters soaked for 5mins, and 4 starters with seeds soaked for 24h. Nothing, nadda, zip, zilch. 
We orderd some more grow bags for the season other than that waiting for the snow to melt so we can go tap some trees.
Tybo said:
Seems like sometimes seeds are just like that!  I tried to start some Cardi scorpions last year several different ways and like you said.......Nothing, nadda, zip, zilch."
Good luck
Thanks Tybo, I will gladly take all the luck on this one as we will need it this season!