contest 2017 Inaugural Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown Aji Amarillo

drathag 6:143
No news here, but getting lots and lots of pods, doubt most of them will ripen in time though...
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
drathag 6:143
No news here, but getting lots and lots of pods, doubt most of them will ripen in time though...
Thank you for showing us how to do it.
Any ideas on next seasons grow yet.?
Anything useful and prolific.
karoo said:
Thank you for showing us how to do it.
Any ideas on next seasons grow yet.?
Anything useful and prolific.
Something that actually ripens would be  good start. I'm more than frustrated with these Amarillos, its just getting ridiculous. So I reckon something fast & prolific, I want to be inundated in pods, I want so many pods that I won't be able to pick them all! Then we'll have an interesting competiton!
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Something that actually ripens would be  good start. I'm more than frustrated with these Amarillos, its just getting ridiculous. So I reckon something fast & prolific, I want to be inundated in pods, I want so many pods that I won't be able to pick them all! Then we'll have an interesting competiton!
....and it does not have to be fancy.
Anything , from jalapeno , bhut Jolokia , Jimmy Nardello, Trinidad perfume etc
Again I'll put forward the Aji Cito - Sunday's harvest.
Granted it's from 3 plants, but I've really not cared for them much and they just keep producing.
Great flavour and some heat also.
Single source seeds and I can get them posted out at any stage.
KAOS said:
Again I'll put forward the Aji Cito - Sunday's harvest.
Granted it's from 3 plants, but I've really not cared for them much and they just keep producing.
Great flavour and some heat also.
Single source seeds and I can get them posted out at any stage.
I'd be happy to do Aji Cito. It'll probably be on my grow list anyway. ;)
I've finally got some colour coming along!
Drathag: 225:10
KAOS: 383.6:22
New Heaviest Weigh In: KAOS with 354.9g
New Most Pods in Weigh In: KAOS with 22.
I feel like its going to be a fairly close competition!
Good to see the pods on a roll!
And I can FINALLY join in! :woohoo:

KAOS: 548.6:29
Drathag: 281:15
ThatBlondGuy101: 45:1
Which means that we have a new heaviest pod, from ThatBlondGuy101 with 45g!
Should be interesting how this pans out, I'm predicting that we'll still have pods to pick when the finish line comes around...
Are we all taking it into Winter or what??? :onfire:
Bring. It. ON!!!!!
