pics 1st Harvest (reluctant) Pics

Picked my 1st peppers of the season today.
Some Big Jim's and Jalapeno Tams.I was
hesitant to pick the Jim's but some of the
other pods stem were turning yellow and
dropping off so I figured I would yank the bigger
ones to help the plant.Kinda did the same with the Tam
but they were not dropping off as bad.They will all
meet the dehydrator tomorrow :)
Nice harvest...Have you thought about getting a package of ground meat, sausage or ground beef, and chop up the jalapeños adding an onion, some garlic mixing it all up to stuff the Big Jim's. Bake them in a pan covered with spaghetti sauce? Yummy...Best eaten with your favorite pint of beer.
I like something similar but I make it a breaky meal. Chopped up jalapeno's, onion, garlic, spinach or zucchini (to make it healthier, gotta get in 10 servings of veggies!) and frying it in a pan, then scrambling 2-3 eggs in the pan with it. Toss on some paprika, cayenne/chipotle pepper, dash of salt.... top with some cheese, avocado and salsa... That's gotta be healthy right?!
seeds from the Tams

Maybe some of the experts can help here....
the 3 biggest Tams,they have some corking
so I was wondering..could the seeds be dried
from these 3 pods??I bought this plant from
Walmart and would like to save some.Are they
not ripe enough or could I try??any help
would be great!!
Great looking pod`s my for the seeds..most people will wait till the plant has fully ripened..just make sure of the viability of the seed,but ive known people pick just before the pods turn to there final color and the seeds have germinated fine :)
Thanks Talas for the info. I really wanted to leave
them but the plant was getting overloaded.I will let
some fully ripen on the plant to ensure the seeds are
good but I was curious if the ones I picked would be ok
to try and save some.Ty, I will save some from the 3 biggest and
test em.
Well today I got 2 meduim zip lock bags of dehydrated chile's:)
saved the seeds from to of the largest Tams and have them
on a sheet of paper towel placed on plastic plate in the
cupboard above my fridge.Hope I am doing it right,gonna
let them sit up there for about a week and will turn em
over once. keeping my fingers crossed they will germinate
in the future.
I'm working on sproutign seed from the wizened chipotles, and dried Birdseyes I bought..I say try anyuthing. What cna it hurt.

I soaked those smoked old seeds for 3 days in water and Thrive...and..least one loks like it's gonna sprout. Chilies are damn tuff.

Hell, I took seed outa my Sambal...see if I cn grow em.
If it has seeds, I'll trry.

Oh, and my orange habs from store..ya, they like the Pr0MIx. Hippy is right..from pod to soil, like nature best. 8 outa 12 sprouted.

*just playing.

I want a dam forest of Capsaicin up in here... :)
Those big Jims look like a pepper plant that grew from a mixed seeds pack that I have. I thought mine was a Corno di Torri Rosso pepper, do they look similar?
Your harvest looks very nice
pretty peppers HPFF...aren't you glad you didn't trash them all a while back? These will be great for cooking....
Great harvest! They look delicious. I highly recommend Spanish Spice frying peppers as well. They are my all-time favorite in that category. They put out boatloads of 9-11" meaty peppers. :)

I think it may be a hybrid. I'll check. It not, I'm happy to send you seeds of them. :)


HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Thanks CMP. I will have to keep my out for that Chile!!
Sounds like something my G/F might like.
cmpman1974 said:
Great harvest! They look delicious. I highly recommend Spanish Spice frying peppers as well. They are my all-time favorite in that category. They put out boatloads of 9-11" meaty peppers. :)


Spanish Spice Frying peppers..erm sound delish any info chris ? :)