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powder-flake 100 Pepper Powder Review

I received a powder for a gift during the 2012 grow. I rapidly realized I was going to need more. So one thing led to another and I either bought, traded, gifted or had a hand in 100 powders. With the growing season winding down my addictive personality decided to focus on some powder research. I am working my way thru them and hopefully expanding my knowledge. I thought maybe some one here might also find this intresting, if not, a way to kill some time. I will try to post a few each day. Thanks pepperproblem

This is not all of them.

Bodeen Yellow Cayenne
Fluffy in texture, with the color of Mustard powder. It smells of dried Cayenne skins with a hint of greenness. With med plus heat it has a nice sharp bite that is more subdued than the fresh pepper version. It is overall clean and balanced with a sort of Yellow Bell nuance to it. Med-hot

Bodeen Orange Cayenne
Orange/Yellow in appearance, this powder exhibits more bass notes than the Y.C. That extra dimension adds to the complexity while it still hangs on to the same Y.B. aroma of the Y.C. A bit more assertive,with a pronounced twang in the back of the mouth, this finishes a touch milder. Med-plus

Bodeen Chocolate Cayenne
This fine powder is reminiscent of the earth from the Australian Outback. Similar to the the two preceding Cayenne s, less the green edge. A touch bitter, but you would expect that, it adds a nice touch and is welcomed. This has power, but not might. Nice. Hot

cmpman1974 African Cayenne Blend Pear Smoked
Like all of Chris's powders, this one is pulverized to the smallest molecule .Beautiful to look at, beautiful to smell. The smells of wood and smoke are evenly distributed. Flavor wise it starts out dominated by the smoking, then the African Continent fights back and wins the battle. Interesting stuff. Hot

Bodeen Thai
With a deep yellow color (Yellow Thai?) and flour like texture (higher water content) this carries on with the garden fresh scents of Bodeen's previous powders.. This is more aggressive and seemingly more acidic. As the non smoked Cayennes would be a good choice with vegetarian fare, this one could also step up to heavier dishes. It finishes fairly hot with a pronounced white pepper aftertaste. Hot

Joyners Tri Thai
Great color and dry to the point of being grainy. This smells as if it has been fully cured. Secondary aromatics are mildly fruity. The powder was balanced throughout and provided good heat with almost no bitterness that the pepper is known for. Hot

Wayright Shirt & Thai
More sweet smoke. Initial blast of charred wood takes hold , but the power of the Thai pepper tries to wage a coup, but at best, it is a draw. This is a likable smoked powder that has a heat level that would please both the novice and the seasoned chilihead. Hot

Joyners Chiltepin Amarillo
My hats off to people that want to grow, pick and powder tiny peppers. I am not that guy, but I will buy them! Almost dusty in its dryness it has a underlying tropical fruit/banana like quality to it. Sharp, angular heat. A slap, followed by some tanginess fading to a nice warm belly. Nice. Hot

Joemomma Pecan Smoked Pequin
Beautiful layered smokiness and a duel texture of tiny grains and fluff. The wood must have been very dry as no detectable wood resins are present. This has a savory, rustic flavor that is addicting. A good addition to anyone's spice selections. Hot
I see a good many there I have wanted to try, so I will be following this and tasting them through your posts.
100 Pepper Powder Review Pt2

Cmpman1974 Trinidad Scorpion Green
This nouveau pepper powder is the color of a pale Avocado and has the texture of talc. Fresh and lively it jumps out of the gate fast. While never hot, it does manage to have a nice sustained warmth to it. A tastefully refreshing powder that should be done more. Med plus

Bodeen Serrano (Red)
This has a enticing red clay color, and a aroma that is nothing but pure Serrano. Typical for a Annuum, it shoots all its bullets at once. But the ones it did shoot made for a nice med-hot, front loaded powder that is highly versatile. Med - hot

Sicman Jalapeno
In this era of designer peppers, sometimes its good to look back at what made us passionate about them in the first place. This weighty powder will not be something that requires a hazmat suit to enjoy, but it will be something that can be used day in and day out. Easy on the senses and easy on the pocketbook. It shows its potential when added to a hot liquid. Hot

Joyners Jalapeno Blend
Four types of Jalapenos were used in this creation. The mixed pepper blend is evident from the multicolored specks suspended in this concoction. I think most of the Jalapeno food group is represented here, and it works. They all contribute a layer of flavor to this surprisingly complex powder. Sneaky hot.

Joyners Smoked Applewood Jalapeno Blend
This has a darker and more uniform color then the previous powder. It is also a somewhat finer blend. It displays a sort of morning after a campfire smell. Scents of burned and partially burned wood cuttings. This has a nice heat to lumber ratio that would be a good choice to kick a sauce up a few notches. Med – hot

KneppersPeppers Applewood Smoked Biker Billy Jalapeno
The smell of this makes me hungry. Sweet caramelized Applewwood billows out and temps you. This well ground condiment is on the smokier end of the spectrum, but the peppers can take it. Not shy, it is hotter than you would think. Seems to be a pattern from KneppersPeppers. Nice and hot

KneppersPeppers Peach Smoked Biker Billy Jalapenos
The Applewood had a orange/brown color, while this one is more of a sandy color. While the Peachwood does not make you run for the huevos like the Applewood does, it still has that sweet smokiness to it, just a touch more elegant. You gotta love it and it comes in test tubes! This also pushes up the burners. Even if it is a Jala. Hot
Holy moly thats a lot of powder!!! I am enjoying reading on these planning on following also. I have realized that while I can't eat fresh pods like the hubby can, I like powders. So this will make up like a shopping list of sorts. Great work so far, this is an enjoyable thread!
100 Pepper Powder Review Pt3

Bodeen Lemon Drop
A pure clean grind that cascades like sand in a hourglass. This dilutes well in liquid. A bouquet of mixed flowers and Lemon pastry. A wide, clean and crisp heat that works as a good palate cleanser before the party really gets started. A good choice for seafood. Med-hot

Wayright P-Trap (Pimienta Trapadiera )
Rusty orange, with lighter specs sprinkled in. More perfumed than the Lemon drop. This sneaks in through the backdoor and decides to stay awhile. Clingy, silky smooth even warmth. Enjoyable. Med-hot

Wayright Frutescens Mix
Textbook smells of roasted chilies and earth. Depending on your tolerance, this could be either a little burner or a flame thrower. A nice heat blanket that lasts surprisingly long. If the shakers at the local pizza joint had this I might be tempted to bring a baggie. Med-to pretty hot.

Cmpman1974 Peru Blend Grape Smoked
Another meticulously made powder that mixes Annuums and Baccatums So alluring is the smoke on this that I would love to have incense made from it. As hypnotic as the fragrance is this attacks the palate quickly. The mix of species assaults various corners of the anatomy in no particular order. A shotgun approach to say the least. Keeps you on your toes. Hot

Kalimazoop Manzano Amarillo Applewood Smoked
With less chance of grinding seeds and placenta the texture and color are very uniform. It is a few shades darker than the Lemon Drop. The toned done smoke regiment helps to bring out dried Apricot like fruitiness. This pepper gives you a different sensation. The heat is there, buy rather covert and sticks to the top of the mouth. Tasty. Hot

Kalimazoop Manzano Rojo Applewood Smoked
This has a rich Mahogany hue with a distinctive collage of citrus juices and cider scents. This hot, easily airborne powder will zero in on the sinuses if you let your guard down. A saliva inducing burn that could have you talking to yourself if you are not careful. Hot plus
Epic post! That is quite the stash you have there. Any indication of what wood was used to make this one? Cmpman1974 Peru Blend Grape Smoked
Great thread, could you please add foods the powder mixes well with.
I will maybe go back and try.I was thinking of doing a synopsis at the end so it would be on one page. I am still adding to the 100! It gets slower as you ratchet up the heat. lol

Epic post! That is quite the stash you have there. Any indication of what wood was used to make this one? Cmpman1974 Peru Blend Grape Smoked
Chewi, that would be Grape. Chris might be the only one using this. I do not know if he used cuttings from the spent (dormant) shoots or wood from the trunk. Maybe he can chime in. What I have noticed so far is that is a subtle wood that is a good choice if you don't want the wood to dominate . A wood that showcases the pepper a little more. I like it so far.
100 Pepper Powder Review Pt 4

Joyners White Habanero
White peppers are generally not white, neither is this powder. Conversely this must have taken some trials to fine tune this delicate color balance. I am sure this is another labor of love. Warm and comforting, with orange/passionfruit and ripe lemon aromas. More of a boxer, than a brawler. It hits you with a quick jab, then continues to rope a dope. While never knocking you out, it does offer up a even and continuous heat. Very nice. Hot plus.

Joyners Golden Habanero
While clinging to a modicum of moisture, and obviously riper pods, his has a pleasant Ying and Yang, sweet and sour duality. With less upfront heat than the White Hab, this is slower to unfold and more back-end orientated. Good, straightforward, unadulterated heat. Hot plus, plus

Sicman Orange Habanero
Bronze/orange in color and with a certain chewiness to it. Highly aromatic scents of orange and cream. This has a rapidly spreading prickly hot heat to it. This would serve well as a base ingredient in a spicy Ham glaze. Hot

Bodeen Red Habanero
A nice looking brick orange that is void of other specs of color. The fragrance is of a Tropical island fruit stand , with the underlying impression of heat. A compressed mouth burn, you wait for it to unleash its full fury Instead it paces itself. Long and steady. Hot plus

Slaughter's House Caribbean Red Habanero Hab/Garlic
Living in Knepper's hood, it had to rub off. Italy meets the Caribbean in this garlic dominated mixture. This is differently not a 1[sup]st[/sup] date powder. While the peppers are shy, who cares! Pull out the crusty bread and dream. Hot, but smooth.
100 Pepper Powder Review Pt5

Bodeen Cajun Belle (A mini semi hot Bell)
Super fluffy and rust colored. Reminiscent of early season scents of Annuums and spice. No acting job here, you taste what you smell. More Bell and spice comes at you in a silky smooth round and pretty darn pleasant powder. With all seriousness aside, this isn't going to be on any ones dare list. But it could be used quite well for the morning wake up call. Mild to med

Cmpman1974 7 Pot Evergreen
Looks like a cross between Green Curry and Wasabi. If you want heat and don't eat meat, here you go. Right off the grill Squash come to mind when burying your nose in this leafy colored powder. This rapidly ditches the vegetarian facade and delivers some real meat. Heat comes on suddenly and with a real purpose. As the burn dissipates, it shows its tender green side again, as to say it was sorry for almost hurting you. Hot plus

Joyners Orange Habanero
Appearance of toned down Tang. Loaded with citrus peel and marmalade. Like the old 7 up commercial, its “crisp and clean and no caffeine”.Stays grounded and doesn't veer off course. Another powder that could serve many purposes. The fruit is the focus on this one. Hot

Sicman Chocolate Habanero
As all the other zip-locks of powder from Sicman, this one is packed. Shades of brown and texturally the look of coffee grinds. This has a lot going on with a blend of mixed berries, dough and cocoa scents. Nice full flavored powder that shifts thru the gears ever so slyly while turning up the heat. Hot plus

Joyners Cherry & Alderwood Smoked Mixed Habanero
Much like a good mixed drink or a bottle of Bordeaux, each of these ingredients fuses together well.
The diminutive flakes of color and coarseness reveal hints of this assemble. A sort of kitchen sink approach that comes off as a rather all purpose, utilitarian seasoning. A nostril warmer, but not burner. You will want to smell this. Layers of heat that vacillate between hot and very hot.

KneppersPeppers Chestnut Smoked Chocolate Habanero
Jumps out of the test tube (gate) like a race horse. 1[sup]st[/sup] big whiff was all wood. After it passed a few furloughs and settled down the peppers took the reins. The two trade positions for a photo finish. If I had to call it, I would say the wood/smoke wins by a nose. Good, strong stuff Hot plus