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  1. D

    Pepper cuttings

    I have 2 huge pepper plants, a goat weed and a devil's tongue that are just too big to bring in. So I am thinking of taking cuttings of them to root inside for next year. What is the best way to do this?
  2. D


    Since many of you do much more of this than I do, what is the best way to overwinter a pepper plant? I have overwintered a few, mostly my pequin and my tepin, but they always get very ill looking before they get put outside again in the spring. This year I have my Nagas, and I was wondering...
  3. D

    Abusing Peppers

    It is amazing the difference in the heat level of peppers when they are being abused. I have two mushroom pepper plants that I have been doing an experiment with all summer. At the beginning I gave them all the compost and water they wanted. The first peppers were nearly the same heat level...
  4. D

    What is this

    I have grown Maui Purple peppers for years now. This creaure was the last seed in the packet, but bear in mind I grew all of my old seeds this year to just get them out of the drawer so I can grow new different stuff next year. So I have no idea if this is a hybrid that got stuck in, or if it...
  5. D


    Does anyone else have problems with hornworms on thier pepper plants? I know they love tomatoes, but this year my tomatoes are going untouched, and my peppers are getting hammered by them. I have lost the entire top, blossoms, leaves, baby pods and all of my habanero this morning. All that...
  6. D

    seeds Saving Seeds

    I have a fluorescent purple pepper that is a beautiful plant. I want to make sure that I have pure seeds to save for next year since this pepper plant looks so nice. How do I do this the best way? It is in the ground with other peppers planted next to it so isolation is not an option.
  7. D

    Hello all!

    Hi everyone my name is Dave. I live here in California and love to mess around growing peppers. I start all my own plants, unless I find something interesting somewhere then I will get it. This year I have over 120 peppers of over 30 different varieties in my yard. I don't know why but I...