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  • I ate char grilled octopus last night and it was fantastic!!
    The Japanese street venders also have a thing where they take Tako and put it in a batter and fry it into a ball the size of a golfball then an awesome sauce. YUM
    texas blues
    texas blues

    Isn't that like I'm sucking on it while its sucking on me?
    Texas Blues,that's another type of Octopus.
    That moment when you have to buy more pickles because you drank all the pickle juice in your pickle shots...
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    Oh sheesh! Was that a thing?! I know soccer players who drink it to keeps leg cramps at bay. I prefer mine with wodka - it keeps irritation at bay! hahaha
    Lucky Dog Hot Sauce
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    pick up some pickled asparagus and add some excitement to your morning pee!
    Its SNOWMAGEDDON!!!! I just got done shoveling 18-20 inches and it is still supposed to snow all day until Midnight. Time to start drinking until its time to shovel again!
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    That's just sooo much snow at one time! Pretty overwhelming, I'd imagine! I'm praying you don't get any of the "r" word....
    refugees? Doubt they are coming here right now.
    My arms, specifically my elbows hurt so much I just drank vodka, shot after shot until I feel like now I can go to sleep. Four Aleve at a time wasn't cutting it. FU Jonas. And your brothers too.
    Update from The TB. Unfortunately he has been going through a rough time of it lately with several deaths in the family and his dear MIL is sick as well. He appreciates everyone who has asked about him and asks for thoughts and prayers. He will be back when he is ready. I paraphrased this and probably should have done it in iambic pentameter, but you get the gist.
    happy birthday TB. I hope your days brighten soon :)
    Miss you TB. Via con dios amigo
    Where the hell is The TB?
    I was gonna let this die, but I will say this first, TB and Scovie were never in cahoots. The site is alive and well. There is always an ebb and flow with any site like this. This place is fine. People come and go. I am just wondering about one one of MY best friends here, we joined around the same time a long time ago. I have never not heard from him for so long.
    lol ... Jesus ... oh wait, not Jesus ...
    I recall TB being away for a little while before he started helping those folks with their restaurant, last time, FWIW.
    What a great f**king day. Funeral this morning, funeral tomorrow morning, found out a classmate died yesterday too. Then I spent the day shopping and cooking only to find out that I can't enter what I wanted anyway. I was looking forward to escaping life with this throwdown and now I can't even do that. I need to go back to work. F-me.
    The interwebz must be broked. I just got a request to join the "Official Jim Duffy Fan Club". Ummm... nah.
    Watching a local team in the Little League World Series. First time in 25 years a local team has made it. Go Redland!
    The team from Cali is from Chula Vista...I think.
    Our team had a dominant pitching performance last night against a great Texas team. On to the US Finals. Pretty amazing for such a small group of kids. I heard the Texas team has around 600K kids to choose from. Redland has 356. Not 356K. 356 period. Unbelievable. I know people that went to school there and it is basically, farm/river town. I am about a half hour away, but they are still local to us so it is awesome!
    That is pretty impressive about the player pool size. The starting pitcher, was incredible last night. I think he had 11 or 12 strikeouts. Good luck on Saturday.
    I love potatoes. All kinds. I do not discriminate.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Great in chili.
    If I was 156lbs they would put me in the hospital. I have lost the 15lbs I needed to and am at a comfortable 200-203. Could I lose another ten or so, sure but then I wouldn't be happy. Oh and G, I am right there with you on the Yukon Golds.
    Hahaha Hey boss No freaking potatoes in chili!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
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