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  • Hey there.. i've been around, just have been busy with work and stuff.. letting the newbies take over anyways :)
    *continued" PEPPERS?!?! how boring!! I would way rather talk about smut and other nonsense. Such as I want to see machete!
    oh hey thanks! I will get that updated. Everything here is great. I find it hard to even have time to get on here lately been so busy. It was a bit harder to get a job around here than I thought! But I finally got one as a carpet cleaning tech. nothing exciting but should be enough to pay my bills which is all that matters right now. Yeah I miss the old chat days they were fun. PEPPERS...
    Ah, I had just assumed that that was the reason your head hurt. I bet it hurts 10-20 times more now?
    Yeah me too. Now I just sit at home a nd drink a few, feel good and o ff to bed. Then feel all run down the next day. Getting old suck!
    I thought YOU was supposed to be making ME lunch! I ended up cooking super-hot Arrabiata because you didn't respond in time, but dammit, now I feel like cheesesteak sandwiches!
    Cherry cola sounds good too but the only two types we can get around here is Cherry Coke (good but can't drink Coke, it makes my teeth fall out) and - oh the horror! - Dr Pepper. Opted for a can ...
    hey pi,
    how are you? not likely going to enter - i've got a hens party that weekend and will be pretty busy - you should enter though, sounds like it is going to be fun!
    Well, Friday night get yoself a bottle of wine or whatever you like to drink and cook up whatever you want, pics or no pics. We are having some foo foodbachery. So let the alcohol flow and the food fly.
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